Can someone tell me the syntax in a Powerplay macro for emailing a single sheet of an excel file? My code is below.
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objOutlookEmail As Object
Dim objOutlookAttachments As Object
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
OK. I got this to halfway load the report. Using the command button syntax:
stAppName = "C:\Program Files\Cognos\Cer1\bin\pwrplay.exe C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\Test.ppr"
It now starts the app and opens a locate file browse menu and stops. The file name is right there in the...
This is hopefully an easy one for someone out there. I am trying to start an application (Cognos Powerplay) using MS Acess 97 and run a saved Powerplay report. I can use the Runapp command to start the application but cant run the report. Any help? I have also tried using command buttons in a...
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