Mission Accomplished!!
Thanks guys for all your great input.
I am certain that the code below could be rewritten in a neater way but it does what it has to do and that's what counts for me. [smile]
There is one big no-no I did and that was an error I encountered on a blank line at the bottom...
Wonderfull...I am learning a lot here. There are certainly of lot of nice tricks to do.
I have been working on the Code TallOne provided and made some progress.
Perhaps not the best way to write code but this is what I have so far.
Debug.Print .Fields(0).UnderlyingValue, .Fields(1).Value...
Thanks you all for your responses. It is grately appreciated.
I have tried the above examples but still no luck. With the code from TallOne i am getting a "invallid us of NULL" on this line
bolStartComponentData = (Left$(.Fields(0).Value, 3) = "VOR")
This is were the blank line appears in the...
I am getting close....
But i just discovered that there are "'s in my file what screws up my output.
This is what I have so far:
Open inputfile For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, tmpstr
If Left$(tmpstr, 3) = "VOR" Then
tmpArray = Split(tmpstr, ",")...
Hi guys,
I am strugling here with a CSV file.
The file starts of with a lot of blablabla..
After that is starts of with a line beginning with VOR_ where I want to fetch the second field.
After this line it I want to fetch all the fields in this line for about 20 lines.
Then it starts over with a...
I have been spending hours on searching the topics on how to display the amount of hours correctly in my reports.
Instead of 21:00 + 7:00 = 04:00 I want to display 28:00 or 1 day 4 hrs.
I know now that this is a familiar problem in Access but somehow I cannot seem to get it to work.
I have in...
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