OK, to solve your problem if the number series is as like 1,2,3,6,7,8 then you should first seperate each value through different program for comma or other delimeted. We can do it easily.
You also said about non cosecutive numbers. I think it can be solved easily.
At the first of...
I think you know VB5/6. I solved your problem with VB. May there are some problem within this program. Because I solve it within a very short time.
At first Place a command button in a VB form and copy the following program into it's click event.
You have a database name db1. A table Category(categorycode,CategoryName)in db1 also.
Public cn As New ADODB.Connection
'For connection
Public Sub dbconnect()
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=false;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\db1.mdb"
End Sub...
Without using Data control you should use the First way. The first onr is faster than Data Control. So when you handle large database the first one is much more preferable.
Thank You
You wants for MsHflexgrid. But I do it with MsFlexGrid. It may be helpful to you. "TableName"
for i=1 to msgrid.rows
I think you get the help
after creating file dsn you should use ADODC. then try to connect with that dsn through adodc properties. If connection eshtalished properly then you get the string in a text box of the connection. Copy it and place it after I hope you get the solution.
you hve written the code below at one stage :
FindString, "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\idcnt2\db$\movies.mdb", adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
here yo read adlockreadonly. change it and try again.
another thing is that you can use...
I use for this purpose ms flexgrid control. Though it have not any option for writing some thing but it can be possible by writing some code. which is not available now with me.if you want from me you should wait some days.
You should Create a DSN from control panel of ODBC. Then you call it from vb5 with odbc direct method from dao/rdo.
In vb6 you can use Ado control also and using the same DSN. you can connect it.
You can backup Option to make a Back up that Database. you will find it at All Task of that data base. When you want to use it in your office you make the proper name of that backup file. Then you take to your office and use the Restore option of that Backup file.
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