I am a Newbee and working on Ver 9. I need to get the time diff between time in and time out which the formula below works fine for. However, I also need to find the aveage and mean times and display and since they are a string I can't. I can display in sec or Min (by adding /60) but Icannot...
I am working on a database that has errors in the time. Time is recorded in Military time (1059). However, I keep getting error because people have entered 1095 ect. Insted of doing 24 if then statements how can i do one that says if the last to digits are >59 then put in 30 so 1095 would...
One more question, I used the formula below and it works great. However, when trying to insert subtotals it will not allow me to average. Why? I need to be able to average the times?
numberVar dur := datediff("s",{@admitdatetime},{@disch datetime}); //get the seconds...
Thank you "synapsevampire" for your help and for all the posts I will be more detailed now and in the future:
I just took a 4 day course from Crystalreports.com and we didn't cover this type of stuff. I am the only person at the hospital using this report writer and hoping to get to...
I am a newbee with Crystal and can't figure how to convert the formula below to HH:MM
time(int({ERLOG.DTIME}/100),remainder({ERLOG.DTIME},100),0) -
I get out put of 10,200.00 what I want to see is:
2:50 or 2hr 50 min
Can anyone...
I had to convert time from a # and I used this formula:
time(int({table.timeint}/100),remainder {table.timeint},100),0)
Now I need to subtract the time a patient was discharged for the time they came in. Example:
Admit Discharge Should =
7:50am 10:40 2:50...
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