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Search results for query: *

  1. gundie

    How to capture where I'm right mouse clicking?

    But currentcell only tells me which is the current cell for each grid. I want to capture which grid was the right mouse click clicked on.
  2. gundie

    How to capture where I'm right mouse clicking?

    I have 2 datagridview on a form, and I want to capture which datagridview the user right mouse click on. How can I do that?
  3. gundie

    Can a VB.net application return a value?

    I have 2 vb.net applications (App1 & App2). What I'm trying to do here is have App1 call App2 via shell command, and have App2 return some results back to App1 after App2 is finished running. How do I do that?
  4. gundie

    How to check if a file is opened by another user?

    Thanks genomon! Works perfectly!
  5. gundie

    How to check if a file is opened by another user?

    I'm using Access 2000, in VBA, how do I check whether a file (an Excel file) is opened, or in used, by another user?
  6. gundie

    Save Report to PDF format Programmatically

    I've created a report (not CR) in VB.net, and I'm able to view the report using a report viewer, however, I want to be able to export this report as a PDF file. How do I do that?
  7. gundie

    Disabled multi-line text box that's scrollable... possbile?

    Is it possible to make a multi-line text box still scrollable while it's disabled? The closest I can achieve this is to set the text box's ReadOnly property to false, which will gray out the text box, and still scrollable, but the text in the box remains black instead of being gray. Changing...
  8. gundie

    How to share dataset among two forms?

    I'm new to VB2008 and SQL Server, and need some help. I have two forms (frmCustomer and frmDetail). The frmCustomer has a datagridview containing general data of customers, and a button to open frmDetail, which contains each customers detail information. All data modification is done on...
  9. gundie

    How to convert String to Form?

    Thanks for the reply! I should've mentioned that I wanted to make this as 'dynamic' as possible, meaning I don't want to use conditional statement if at all possible. I have over 70 forms in this project, and using conditional statement is hard to maintain.
  10. gundie

    How to convert String to Form?

    I have a table that contains a list of users and their access to certain forms. User Form Tom Form1 Jane Form1 Jane Form2 Peter Form3 This table is read when the application first loads. How can I convert the form string (Form1, Form2, Form3...) to a form name...
  11. gundie

    How to add subform (like in Access) in Visual Basic?

    I have a main form, and I want to embed a subform (similar to Access) into this main form. I want to display the corresponding subform base on a combo box selection on the main form. How can I do that?
  12. gundie

    VB2008 - Import from Excel spreadsheet

    I'm a very newbie on VB2008. I'm trying to to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into a SQL database. How do I do that?
  13. gundie

    Sort datagrid

    How do I sort the datagrid programmatically?
  14. gundie

    Go back to original record after Add is cancelled

    I tried with Selectedrows, but it is read-only property. How do I set the row to be selected?
  15. gundie

    Go back to original record after Add is cancelled

    I have a datagrid on a form that's bound to a table(ID, Company, Contact). I've created two buttons, one for Add function (using .AddNew), one for Cancel (using .CancelEdit). When I click the Add button, it shows a new record for add, no problem so far. During the Add function, when I click...
  16. gundie

    Go to a specific record on a different form

    The table is not bound to Form A, but it's bound to another form (Form Rec), and this Form Rec is a subform within Form A. Still can't get it work...
  17. gundie

    Go to a specific record on a different form

    Tried your suggestion, but got the following message: Object doesn't support this property or method.
  18. gundie

    Go to a specific record on a different form

    I have a main form (Form A), and I want to create a Search form (Form B). The Search form functions like a filter, that lets me filter down to a subset of records, based on criteria, that displays on Form B in a table via a subform. After I found the record that I'm looking for in Form B, I...
  19. gundie

    Check if table exist

    Didn't know we can use dlookup in msysobjects. Works perfectly! Thanks, Remou!
  20. gundie

    Check if table exist

    How can I check whether a table already exist in the current mdb?

Part and Inventory Search
