I was playing around with one of the dead screen iMacs (slot loading, indigo 500MHz), and had already tried the power management reset before, with no success. Today I connected an external monitor, and did a start up as before. The monitor came on with a happy mac icon, and I watched...
I have followed the instructions on the Apple and other sites for resetting the PRAM, after checking the battery, and resetting the CUDA switch, now known as the power management switch. Still no screen, despite everything sounding like it's trying to come on. The EHT seems to power up (static...
I swopped over a known good hard drive with one from the "dead screen" iMac. The dead screen Mac is still dead! What does this prove? If the voltages all check out OK on the main PCBs, could one of the boards still be faulty? I guess I have only checked the trickle power supplies, or...
Have several "dead screen" 400MHz slot loaders, family number M5521, too good to trash. Have removed both top and bottom housings. All chime when switched on (a good sign?), green power switch LED comes on, CRT powers up (static crackles), hard drive starts and continues to spin, but...
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