I have thought about multiplying it by an integer and then trucnating it, but I still wind up with the catch-22 issue that I need to isolate that group of 100 or so songs and then randomly select one of them. How would I incorporate an integer solution into the where clause?
Let me try to explain my problem. I run a playlist automated script that uses a scripting language to run against a mySQL DB of songs. In my DB is the table "songlist" and a particular field of that table is floating variable called "balance".
I have several sql statements that successfully...
Hi folks,
I have 2 tables, contact1 and contact2. Each table has an accountno field. I have 55000 records in contact and 69000 records in contact2. There are 14000 records in contact2 that do not have an associated accountno in contact1. I need to be able to display these 14000 records...
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