Thanks for responding. I have cells on other sheets referenced to sheet1 so if I delete sheet1 they loose thier reference and don't pick the new sheet1. I have resolved my problem through.
What I have found is that if I run the command when the spreadsheet doesn't exist it'll create...
Hi All,
I'm exporting a query from my db to "sheet1" in spreadsheet "test1.xls". This works fine except that I need it to overwrite the data in "sheet1" if it exists, what actually happens is it creates a new sheet ie "sheet11". According to other post this code should overwrite?! I need it...
Hi All,
I have converted the front end and back end of my database to MDE files. I have a some code that relinks the tables if the link is broken but since I have convert to MDE the error "Table 'tab_StateMSAccess' was not found in database.". I do have a table tab_State.
Any suggestions...
Hi All
I am currently using some code from a thread I found on here to on open check the links between the front end (forms etc.) and the back end (tables). If it can't find the links it asks the user to find the back end. This works fine.
I need to password the back end of the db, but...
I'm not sure if I know what you mean but you could set the subform default view to "single form", this way it will display one record at a time.
Hi All
I have a main form with a subform within it and I want to add next and previous buttons on the footer of the main form to cycle thought the records in the sub form. Does anyone know the code or how?
I tried this but no success
Private Sub cmd_Previous_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo...
Try unchecking the options in tools> options> general> Name Auto Correct I found this had a significant effect. I leave them checked while making any changes to the db but uncheck them when the db is in use on the network.
Hi All
I'm new to the VB side of Access so I have some code off the net to relink the front end of a db to the back. The problen I'm having is that wherever database is a variable:
eg Dim dbCurr As Database
it returns the error "user-defined type not defined".
Am I supposed to...
I have a form and report based on a parameter query "qry_CRF". When I run the query a dialog box pops up asking "Which Client?" and the same happens when I open the form or report. I have a cmd button "cmd_Print_Report" on the form to print the report but when...
I have a query I'm using for data entry to a table[tab_Activity] which has a field called Client_Contact. Client_Contact is a list from [tab_Client_Contacts]. When a client contact is selected data fills into some of the other fields, one of which is Client.
This works great but what...
Hi All
First I must thank Blorf for pervious help.
I am relatively new to the world of access and am currently building a database which has several main forms with subforms for data searches.
I have been using combo and text boxes in the main forms and linking them to the criteria in the...
Thanks ChaZ
That worked great. I also have some date fields where I've created Date_From and Date_To controls and instead of null values I've set default values. To show all records I have a date before any records were created as one and Date() as the other, this can't be applied to a date...
Hi All
I'm having trouble creating a suitable form to search the data in a query.
I have created a form with a subform within it and have created controls in the main form, mainly combo boxes, for all the fields in the sub form and attached a macro to requery when a control in the main form is...
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