Here is another question on this: I have been using the requery and it is showing me the data great, but is there a way to take the fields returned by the query and copy them into the respective fields of the new record. In real words what I am trying to do it take duplicate customer...
I am sorry to sound so dumb, but I can't find the button wizard anywhere. Can you tell me where it is? I know how to manually insert a button onto a form, but I can't find the wizard. Thanks
I have a report that basically shows all the data in a very large database. This data is sorted by a job number. I was wondering if there is any way to print a report with a specific job number and to do so from the form in which the user has entered the information. What I am trying to do is...
My SQL is:
SELECT DISTINCT JobJacket.CustContact, JobJacket.CustAddr, JobJacket.CustCity, JobJacket.CustState, JobJacket.CustZip, JobJacket.CustPhone, JobJacket.CustFax, JobJacket.CustEmail
FROM JobJacket
WHERE (((JobJacket.Customer)=Forms!JobJacketTEST.Customer));
I have the query listed as...
Two Questions:
1.)Where do I put the dlookup thingie
2.)Everytime I open my form I get a "Query Must Have At Least One Destination Field" Message and my CustomerContact query that you helped me with earlier is blank and I have to go back in and enter the query again. Is there anyway to...
Ok, chaz, that seemed to work great. Now, Is there a way, instead of pulling up the data in a table like form, to pull the data into fields that could be typed in if the customer didn't match?
Were you referring to me or Blorf? Either way I see your point. Thanks
I tried the query and my form doesn't prompt me, but it also doesn't give me the results upon entering a customer. I have the query running as the source object for a subform i have in my form. Any...
One more thing:
The [Please Enter Customer] is there because it was prompting me using whatever I had in the brackets and so I changed it to this where the prompt didn't look like code.
Here is my SQL:
SELECT DISTINCT JobJacket.CustContact, JobJacket.CustAddr, JobJacket.CustCity, JobJacket.CustState, JobJacket.CustZip, JobJacket.CustPhone, JobJacket.CustFax, JobJacket.CustEmail
FROM JobJacket
WHERE (((JobJacket.Customer)=[Please Enter Customer]));
I am trying to use...
I am trying to run a query based on the value of a user input in one field of a form and display the results as a subform. The query and subform work, but when I try to go into the form I get two prompts for the value. Is there any way to have the SQL query use the input in the form and not...
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