Thanks lbass for your prompt response.I did it exactly same way but It prompt me to enter parameter to display report.I want to display report with all data & then suppress detail section.I cannot generate detail section with all record by adding parmeter field.As its already filter out by...
Hi!Im using crystal 9.0 with Data Access.How can i suppress detail section based on Parameter.?
Let say my parameter is FROM DATE:02/01/2004
TO DATE:02/10/2004
I Will ignore this parameter & populate all record but then I will suppress detail section ,which will only display 02/01/2004...
Sorry for late response.It won't work because If i select parameter to run this report for 010304 it will generate blank for unit id 01 date 010304.
I want if select date parameter is 01/03/04 it should
generate report like this
1 01/03/04 D(Previous status of last visited record).
Hi!I'm using Crystal 9.0,Data Access .DAT File with Dataflex connectivity.My Data is like this
ID Date Status
1 01/01/04 D
1 01/03/04 E
1 01/04/04 F
2 01/01/04 P
2 01/02/04 Q
3 01/01/04 S
I wanted to dispaly Previus staus like this
Thanks lbass.Sorry for late response.Yes I mean all records with group need to suppress if any record have status = "E".
Yes There might be more status to look at.I will try your suggestion this week end & will get back to you.
Thanks Again
Thanks for your suggestion But I want to Suppress whole group Section for status= E.It should supress all record in detail section for Unit ID = 235.
What I did:
Create Sub Report,Link with Unit Id.Shared Variable status with Main Report.Add Sub Report in Group Header Section(Unit ID).Supress...
Hi!I want to creat report which need to suppress detail section as well as header section depend upon some status in Detail Section.Like
UNIT ID (Group by Unit ID)
8/12/2003 A
9/8/2003 E
236 11/3/2003 C
11/5/2003 D...
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