Well its simple really, If the disk has been preowned and used I ahve paid for a new disk! Would you like to buy a car at the new price which has been pre-owned. I want to find out if the disk has been used so that I can go back to the seller and with proof and ask for a NEW hard disk! I am...
I bought an 80 Gb hard drive from a small computer company. Now I have the disk, I suspect that the drive was not new when I bought it. How can I find out what was on this drive before it was reformatted and sold to me?
Thanks for the reply John,
PM V6.5. Scanned images are JPEG. I have tried linking the graphics and not including a copy in the publication and this seems to have made the docs more stable as well as considerably reducing the file sizes. I've also used the save as command and it seems to be...
Having spent many hours creating some documents I now find that when I try to work on the docs (change pages, zoom ect tha pagemaker is very slow and that when I try to save the docs (or use save as) that the files start to save but after a while (when alt/s/del pressed it come up as...
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