new at this game. response to first thread was relative to insuffient memory with vfp executing. I just refined the question relative to getting vfp.exe to run. sri
Reinstalling vpf3 and all works ok but on executer get
little ugly MS window 'insufficient memory' not an app just vpf.exe. Machine is 1mhz with 1gb memory so not a physical problem. win98se. pete
tnx - question was not relative to running an app just starting 3.0 when error occurs? does that change the resonse? I cannot even get the 3.0 to run. pete
baltman/pete. tnx. Here is problem. I have a 2.6 app that
assumes screen is 25x80 and all output with @say, define window etc is based on that foundation. Under vfp3.0, it runs just fine but the screen is (with foxfont) smaller than the full screen. I am losing customers because it is not...
I know this sounds lame but : I am trying to move a 2.6 app to a vfp 3.0
Environment and I cannot even get my 3.0 to execute. ‘insufficient memory’ on
Vpf.exe. Killed it and reinstall and same stuff. It used to work on my development
Machine. (1mhz 1 gig memory win 98se). Any help greatly...
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