Thanks for your help - The bigint is the identity column and as the database is out of my control I am unable to change any of the field definitions. Looks like I am stuck with this one.
Thanks again for your help.
I am trying to link it to Access. If I import the table it is OK and the ODBC driver converts the data, but if I link to the table when I look at the data all I get is #Deleted in all of the fields.
Does anybody know of a sqlserver ODBC driver that will allow for the Bigint data type, as the normal Microsoft one does not if you are linking tables.
Open Regedit and go to
then in the required ODBC section create an entry named
"IgnoreSpareFields" and set this to "No" (these are case sensitive)
you will also need to refresh (or somtimes drop and reconnect) the odbc links in your program...
I am converting a project from VB6 to and I am having problems with the crystal reports. The code is as follows:-
'Print the transfer report
Dim CPProperty As CRAXDDRT.ConnectionProperty
Dim DBTable As CRAXDDRT.DatabaseTable
Dim Report As New...
I am porting this from vb6/ado so have all the coding there
I know how to connect to the sql database. and to read records using the datareader. This however only gives me read-only access and I need to be able to update the records so need to know how to access the records as read-write.
I am new to and need to do the following:-
1. Read the records in an SQL table where the processed field is false.
2. I then need to check these records and if incorrect write a record into a seperate sql table.
3. if the record is correct then I need to update the processed field to...
I am using VB6 to connect to an SQL server vie ADO if I use the following code I can connect.
stSQLMsg = "Select * from [purchase_interface] "
With objConn
.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
.Properties("Data Source").Value = stSqlServer
.Properties("Initial Catalog").Value...
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