I need to study for the A+ software exam (I just passed the hardware exam using the Examcram study guide but I am sorry I bought it as it is poorly written). I have purchased the MCDST study guide from Charles River and wonder if the OS portion of the MCDST covers all of the A+ OS objectives. I...
I need to study for the A+ software exam (I just passed the hardware exam using the Examcram study guide but I am sorry I bought it as it is poorly written). I have purchased the MCDST study guide from Charles River and wonder if the OS porion of the MCDST covers all of the A+ objectives. Has...
I just passed the A+ hardware exam using the Examcram study guide but I an sorry I bought it as it is poorly written. I am looking for a better book for the A+ hardware exam. I am considering using the MCDST certification study guide from Charles River but I am unsure of how much overlap there...
I am trying to find the smallest footprint cascading menu system. I am having a problem with the smallest one I have found so far. I am trying to modify it to produce an initial list (top to bottom) instead of a menu bar. Links below:
I also am trying to redirect with authentication. To just display:
foreach ($text as $line)
print $line;
But this leaves the browser path pointer outside the protected directory. Is there a way to actually...
I too wish to redirect with authentication. Currently I can send a page from a protected directory to a browser but I wish to have the browser reposition its path inside the protected directory. To just display:
foreach ($text as...
I have a Terayon TCM200 canle modem that does not state polarity for the 12VDC power input. The Terayon web site does not help (although I did post a support question currently unanswered). I have opened the case and noted that although the power connector posts go all the way through all...
Is it possible to imbed a file in an HTML form (hidden field?) so that the action script accepts it as if it were a file sent from the client? I've tried using enctype=multipart/form-data and putting the file as a value of an input tag with the correct name but it wasn't accepted. Thanks.
Someday I will understand everything about file permissions but...
right now I am trying to write new files with a PHP script. I assumed (wrongly) that if I made the directory (drwxrwxrwx) with chmod 777, I could write to it. Not so. Do I need a .htaccess file to allow this operation? What goes...
I am a new photoshop user just starting out trying to use photoshop on the templatemonster sample template. When trying to change the company name text field, I type in a different text but the text does not change. This works on other text layers. The only difference appears to be a symbol that...
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