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Search results for query: *

  • Users: lovejaeeun
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  1. lovejaeeun

    Displaying records on multiple pages

    Thanks, the links have been very helpful. However, one of the methods involves using a local/client-side cursor. I can't seem to get this to work: Is this property supported by MS Access? Thanks.
  2. lovejaeeun

    Can't figure out SQL Query

    rac2, Thanks! I was looking for the 'single-query' solution (which you also provided.) Works exactly like I wanted! lovejaeeun
  3. lovejaeeun

    Displaying records on multiple pages

    ChrisHirst, Are you saying that MS Access supports PageCount, PageSize properties? - but I just have to set the cursor to client side? lovejaeeun
  4. lovejaeeun

    Can't figure out SQL Query

    Hi, I have a FAMILY table and a CHILD table with a one to many remlationship where a FAMILY can have multiple CHILD. The FAMILY ID is the FK in the CHILD table. 1) I want to write a query that would display the following as a result: (how many familes have 'x' amount of children) # children...
  5. lovejaeeun

    Displaying records on multiple pages

    Hi, I have a MS Access 2000 backend and want to show the result of a query on multiple pages (if necessary). To my knowledge, the PageCount and PageSize properties don't work so it looks like i have to hand code it? Can someone point me in the right direction? I would like the code to be as...
  6. lovejaeeun

    Image reference

    Try to replace with this line: <img src="images/<%=cimage%>" align="left"> You're just having trouble because you're trying to use string concatnation (&) but HTML doesn't do that. The (&) would have to be between <% and %> tags so that the server knows to process the code first. Did that...
  7. lovejaeeun

    Hiding Query Strings in the Address Bar?

    Have you looked at using the POST method instead of GET?
  8. lovejaeeun

    ASP + MySQL... Need help for tricky select...

    I think this would work. But I'm not too sure about its efficiency. SELECT pid FROM PICTURES WHERE pid NOT IN( SELECT DISTINCT pic FROM VOTES );
  9. lovejaeeun

    Content Rotator Error (Access is Denied)

    This is the error I get: Error Type: MSWC.ContentRotator.1 (0x80070005) Access is denied. /Default.asp, line 19 Here is line 19: content = objContentRotr.ChooseContent("/content.txt") Permissions look fine to me. On the folder and the file. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  10. lovejaeeun

    SQL Primary Key issues--Please Help

    Please post the code you use to add the record to your database.
  11. lovejaeeun

    SQL Primary Key issues--Please Help

    in your last line of code try: <input name="txtid" type="text" id="txtid" value="<%=pkey%>"> You are missing an equals sign.
  12. lovejaeeun

    Add Records to a Database

    Then I would guess that your submit button is not named or it is named something other than "submit". Take out the lines: If Request.Form("submit") = "submit" Then End If It should now work.
  13. lovejaeeun

    Add Records to a Database

    Try this, copy and paste it: <html> <head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> <title>AddNew</title> </head> <body> <% set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" oConn.Open(Server.Mappath("project.mdb")) If...
  14. lovejaeeun

    Add Records to a Database

    Another suggestion (for when you get this working). Use the replace function to replace any single quotes: replace(request.form("cname"),"'","''") If you don't do this, and someone puts a (') in your form, you will get an error. Also, it opens up the chance for SQL injection. You might also...
  15. lovejaeeun

    Add Records to a Database

    You have one too many double quotes (") and are missing two single quotes ('). Use the string below: sSQL = "INSERT INTO customer (cname) VALUES ('" & Request.Form("cname") & "')"
  16. lovejaeeun

    Add Records to a Database

    Just out of curiousity, what is the point of these lines in your code? name=Request.QueryString("ObjectiveID") name=Request.QueryString("CategoryNo") name=Request.QueryString("StudentID") name=Request.QueryString("StudentSurname") name=Request.QueryString("RevNo")...
  17. lovejaeeun

    Add Records to a Database

    Lewis, At this point I think you need to start fresh. There are way too many places for the error to be (permission problem, data type mismatch, syntax error, etc). This is what I suggest, and I think it will save you time in the long run. 1) Make a NEW database (keep the old one though)...
  18. lovejaeeun

    recordset question

    onpnt, Thanks again for a wonderful post. Gotta give a star for that. As my last question (i promise!), how am I supposed to test efficiency? Is there some application that I am supposed to run along-side my code? Or am I just supposed to time (with a stop-watch?) how long it takes for the...
  19. lovejaeeun

    Memo field longer than 255 Char

    PS - what does the '+' do when around notes? +notes+

Part and Inventory Search
