I have read about the srcElement property, but I don't think it will solve my problem.
ok, so there is no keyPress, or "someone-focus-something" or onClick function like in Java programming that waits for a special keypress or click event anywhere on the site? The functions must be attached to an element?
It worked if I wrote:
if (cNodes[x].nodeType == 1 && cNodes[x].focus) {
It seems that I have elements that not can be set to focus.
Anyway, the getAttribute did not work. It says getAttribute is not a function. My brower may not support that, I don't...
-I can't call a function when I click on the link.(I get bad performance then.)
-getElementsByTagName don't work on my browser.
I have tried document.getSelection(), it did not work. I don't know why, maybe because my browser just support JavaScript language version 1.4. and a subset of the W3C...
How do I get the Id of a node that is tabbed(focused)?
I have a menu mainly made by div tags and a-tags. If the user tabulate to a special menu I want to save that id into a cookie. Next time I would like to get the cookie and make that menu focused again.
I want this to happen on...
Yes, that is what I wanted!
Do you also knew how to get the id of the focused element right now?
I want to get the id of the focused element and save it into a cookie(in onUnload). Next time the page is opened, the element is focused again.
My code look like this:
<div id="menu0" class="clF">
<a href="template_07.htm" class="clS">Accessories</a><br>
<a href="template_07.htm" class="clS">Remove</a><br>
It worked if I gave the <a> tag a id. Is there a possibility to give focus to the div tag and then step down to...
I wonder how to focus a text within the <a> </a> tag with means of JavaScript. (The tabulation shall start from that text.)
var el=document.getElementById("menu1");
I would like to have something that has the width: 10px, to place in front of a text.
I have an image followed by a text like this:
<img src="a.png" id="a1">
<a href="#" onclick="link(); return false" class="cl1">Hello!</a><br>
<img src="no.png" id="a2">
I would like to give my <img>-tag a width and an heigth in a css-file.
Do I have to give the img-tag a class name? Like:
<img class=img> I want to prevent that. (I have lots of img-tags)
My menu, implemented in javaScript takes 8 seconds to load on the page, is there a possibility to first show a message, like: "the menu is loading..." in the meantime? I just use javaScript and html. Does someone know such a script?
Is has to take as less memory as possible.
ok, then I post the following code in this message:
* subMenyer *
if ( eval( 'typeof( (subMenu'+i+'))' ) != 'undefined'){
var j=0; //ökar för varje submeny, börjar om igen efter varje huvudmeny
while( (eval(...
Thank you very much for trying to help me!
I post the functions:
first the function initiateMenu() is called, then foldInit().
It's function initiateMenu() that contains the 88 arrays!
The function foldInit() contains a for-loop and 3 while-loops.
function initiateMenu(){
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