Thanks for the help. I asked the question because I kept getting a invalid user error when I added the "strstrLogInPassword". I looked at this after your reply because it sounded simple enough. It was my mistake. If it had been a snake; it would've bit me.
here is what I ended up...
If I wanted to check a second field from the table like "password", can I just add to SQL statement?
"Where tblUserList.[fldUser] ='" & strLogInUser & "' and tblUserList.[fldPassword] ='" & strstrLogInPassword & "';"
Thanks HarleyQuinn!
As you can tell i just want to check to see if someone...
Access 2007
log in form - ado connection to SQL2005
trying to see if user is in table and if match then open form if not after 3 times exit app
Using a WHERE statement but I am not getting any error if user does not match
Private Sub cmdLogIn_Click()
'Check to see if data is entered into the...
Access2007 front:I want make a log in form (frmLogIn)and validate the userid and password against the the SQL2005 table (tblUserList). How would you suggest this being done? I have messed around with a dlookup statement (with no success) but wonder if a SQL statement would be better. after...
Thanks Remou!
sorry for the confusion - it's been my state lately
user to select a row in list box (requestdate, PO#, vendor#, Supplier, rquest_ID)
enter BOL#, Shipdate, and vehicle# into text boxes on the main form
update THAT row selected in the table with the BOL#, Shipdate, and...
This is probably a common thread posted 10 times over.....
access 2007
I have a main form with a list box with 5 columns (one columnis unique_ID), of which a user would select the row to be updated with several text boxes from the main form
I've tried several things that I have searched out...
Sorry, Forgot the important part. It's been awhile since I 've posted
Private Sub Button_New_Request_Click()
Dim varOrderLines As Integer '
Dim varSupplierList As Variant
Dim varRequestDate As Date
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim intNumColumns As Integer
Dim intI As Integer
Access 2007
I have a form that consists of a request date, supplier, and a txtbx_numberrecords to be added to request_table. I want to add 5 records from the form which includes today's date, supplier "A"
01/14/2009 A
01/14/2009 A
01/14/2009 A
01/14/2009 A
01/14/2009 A
currently the cmd...
Forgot about column e, which is what the customer would consume on a daily basis.
Basically, what I'm trying to do is keep tabs on the customers inventory from a starting point. Say they started w/ 25. Tracking there usage, my sales to them , and there future orders. What would the inventory...
return the value
The query only returns the dates where sales have occurred.
I want to be able to the sale pattern for the entire year.
column A is a date (every day of year)
column B is a date (only days that a sale occured)
column c sale amount corresponding to date in column B
I apologize for not really having a subject. Windows XP home edition with problems.
Only apps on desk top will open
clicking the "start" button and selecting an application does not start.
I noticed when I tried to go to explore, after I right clicked, it looked like it was going to open then...
Got it!
Thank you Lothario and R937 for the help.
here it is:
strSQL = strSQL & " GetDate()); "
I glanced @ a previous post by you L and if I would've done what you said to do, I would have had it before. Thanks for putting up with me
Thanks for both of your time!
response.write worked this time
INSERT INTO Bliss1TPM(Produced, Rejected, RunTime, DownTime, Shift, ProducedDate, Line, EnteredDate) VALUES('2000', '2', '3', '0', '1st', '1/7/05', 'Bliss 1', '&GetDate()&');
Syntax error converting datetime from character string
Thanks R937
I removed the quotes around
now looks like:
strSQL = strSQL & " '&GetDate()&'); "
Syntax error converting datetime from character string
I tried that and It's not writing the statement.
Same error.
here's the bulk of my code:
<%option explicit%>
Dim DbConn
Dim strSQL
Dim lngRecsAffected ' # of records affected
Dim intProduced
Dim strShift
Dim intRejected
Dim intRunTime...
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