Yes, my system is completely curred. I have installed adware se profesional and zone alarm to protect it in the future. As for the fix recipe - a forum member by the name of microbell or micro_bell posed it in another thread. I will attempt to post my download of it here:
This looks...
This problem is definitely caused by the Backdoor.haxdoor.D virus. It is very difficult to get rid of. I found a recipe for a fix on a technical forum by google searching this file mszx23.exe. Symantec has posted a recent security alert relating to this matter. I will post the fix recipe if I...
For more details on my last post - I am including this message from, an internet security watch dog
Qualys, Inc. <>
Widely Deployed Software
(1) MODERATE: Sun Java Plug-in Security Bypass
SDK and JRE versions...
I believe I have discovered how the infection occured. Look at these realease note related to java scripting. I am posting the link below:
Apparently the infection probably occured from a visit to a malicious web site.
Tried but it does not work. I can run the program in safe mode as temporary fix. I do have an angle on repair. I have found a posting on a lava-soft site forum that may lead to a repair. If it works I will post the link and results here. In the mean time all should be aware - Other forum...
COMSSTA.exe is driver program for my 3com wireless internet card. No changes appeared to have been made to this file from its original install.
Further investigations of other forums indicates that this problem is caused by a tough NEW dangerous program that some how embeds itself in the space...
I am currently investingation an a posting at another forum - - This guy has the same exact problem. I was unable to delete mszx23.exe. My system would not allow me to login as administrator with the recovery disk. I think this...
This is a copy of the hijack log (NAV and google suppressed) Note the last 7 lines. Yesterday it was Today it is
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0
Scan saved at 5:31:28 PM, on 1/27/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1...
My version of quicken is early 1995. I think it was designed to run it with windows 95.
However -- I think the problem is actually linked to a new ver y challenging hijack program that is residing in dos memory. My research on the web shows that old programs that depend on DOS memory can...
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