1. Yes, the results are saved and used in other programs that error out with the blank lines if they're not removed.
3. I didn't see any check boxes for this either.
In SQL Server Management Studio Express: when running queries and sending the results to txt I get blank lines (or returns?) at the end of the results. Does anyone know where these blank lines are coming from and how to stop them?? Thanks...
I'm using Crystal 8.5, having difficulty pulling XML data in. How can I tell what the table and row hints should be to pull the data in (assuming that's the problem)? I'm connecting and getting the following fields but no other: <lastauthor>, <created> and <version>. I get no other fields and...
I'm not sure I set up/ran the procedure correctly, it didn't appear to do anything...
It appears this is related to blank lines. When selecting my data I selected columns, not specific rows/columns. I really do need (I think) just columns because the number of rows is variable - but I want...
My data is as follows: 7/9/2008 12:44:32 AM. I need to use the number option in pivottable field (lower right) to format this field as the time alone - but I don't have access to the number button - ??
Thanks everyone for your help! Following the advise to look at the convert function (in particular the style argument), I came across the following info: http://databases.aspfaq.com/database/what-are-the-valid-styles-for-converting-datetime-to-string.html
I have a date/time field with the following data as an example: '4/8/2008 12:03:14 AM'. I need the correct syntax to select just the time in this field. Can anyone help? Thanks...
I have a date/time field with the following data as an example: '4/8/2008 12:03:14 AM'. Need the correct syntax in SQL to pull out just the date. Can anybody help? Thanks...
Having no luck trying to get precision 2 data in a stored procedure. I've tried variations of the following logic with no success. Can someone help? Thanks...
CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),SUM(PRD.Pages*GrossFolder)/1000) MGP
Let me try and clarify: in SQL I'm pulling several records for each product's press runs and using a union to pull in one additional record for the total of all press runs for that product (to get the overrun I'm looking at all the press runs in total, then comparing to the order). All's good so...
Data looks like the attached:
product order press printed overrun waste %
newspaper1 10,000 4 5,760
newspaper1 10,000 5 5,840
newspaper1 10,000 n/a n/a 1,600
Summary 10,000 All 11,600 1,600 xx.xx
What I need to do is calculate a waste % based on the information that is found...
Excellent, I changed the option in MS Query - works perfect!
Regarding referencing the data on another sheet, I actually just showed one column of the data but there are many more. My second sheet actually pulls the data from several sheets and formats it...
Thanks again!
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