We have a number of shipments which we send out via UPS / Fed-Ex / DHL / USPS/ Etc.
We recently started auditing the bills from these Vendors. We found a number of instances where there were either Incorrect Zones and/or Rates utilized vs. the Contracted Rates.
The problem is finding a quick...
This is the overall scenario:
I have an A/R aging report summarizing data by the Customer Field.
I want the End-user to decide which of these fields they want to sort by at the time they run the report:
1. Average Aging of Invoices
2. Total Owed
3. Total Owed over 90 days.
The issue is that...
We are using Sybase version 9.02 (I believe, as that's the version of Interactive SQL we have)
This is in conjunction with Open Reports as our reporting tool.
What I'm trying to do is give the end-user an option to select All Records of a given type from the front-end.
The code being used for...
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