Anyone know how to change the listbox text color dynamically or even statically for that matter? Thanks!
An expert is someone who learns more and more about less and less and eventually knows everything about nothing
Struts is basically a server side java web framework that can display information in several formats JSP being one of them. I have just been introduced to struts so I don't know the specifics but here is a link that will give the basics of what struts is...
Is there any way to use flash and struts at the same time? Thanks!
An expert is someone who learns more and more about less and less and eventually knows everything about nothing
I had to move down to 5.6 due to DBD-Oracle problems I was having. I moved the code to a unix machine and it works fine so I'm assuming it's the windows load. Thanks guys!
An expert is someone who learns more and more about less and less and eventually knows everything about nothing
Linking errors are generally caused by missing libs. I've seen MS Studio just not find things for no reason and give linking error. Unless you are trying to use specials libs I would recreate your files by cut and pasting them into new ones that aren't corrupted. This should solve your...
I think I can answer the last part of your question but I would have to look at binding to answer the rest. The way you have your classes set up you inherit the previous class. When you write the functions over you have with f.. you will always call the declared class not the...
I'm venturing into creating dropdown menus in MX and it works fine in the test mode but when I publish preview or publish the rollover doesn't work at all. I've made sure that the action is attached to the button and all I want to do is move to a certain frame on rollover to open the menu...
It's interesting because when I take the data out to where it's only running against one machine (I have 4 that are in the processes)it will run the whole thing without erroring out at the exit but when I go to two or more machines then I start having the problem. Also when I put an exit at the...
try putting http:// before the site name. Like Flash interprets urls as part of the site unless you put that in there from my experience.
An expert is someone who learns more and more about less and less and eventually knows everything about nothing
I am forking a process that has worked before but for some reason now when I run it putting an exit to exit out of the process after I'm done I'm getting a memory access error from windows for the perl.exe. Here is the code:
my ($pid, @pids) = (undef, ());
foreach $name (keys %tella)
Should be File->Print and the you can select the "code" checkbox to get the code or form to get the form. That's how it's done in 6.0. Are you using .NET?
I haven't worked with ASP but I am a JSP/Java programmer so they should work the same way in this respect. When you load a page it doesn't run from top to bottom. It runs server-side code first, then JS, then HTML. So it's not possible to change the variable value once the page has loaded the...
I'm new to Perl and have a question about the Oracle_Home you need to specify to use DBD-Oracle. I have read places that you need to put the path to the binaries, sever, and question is which one is right? I'm trying to connect to a remote Oracle 9i database and have SQL Plus...
Going off of oldnewbie's questions (thanks) I looked closer at the default properties when you draw a letter. When you create your text make sure it's "static" before you convert it to a symbol and it will work.
That's odd. I tried just making a letter disappear and got the same problem you did and I've been using flash for years. But I've also upgraded to MX lately too. I can tell you that you're doing it the way I always have in previous versions. When I tried tint, brightness and such it worked...
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