Yes. Put an object frame around the radio buttons and Name it the same as your Query field name. For instance
Voided is a column in a query selected off a table.
The radio button frame is named Voided. The individual radio buttons have optionvalues of 1,2,3...
Sounds like a join problem. If the record already exists, it will append 1 record for every match it found. If it doesnt exist works fine, adds 1. If it already exists, you'll get 1X1, then 1X2, then 1X4, follow??? If you want all records added regarless of if it already exists, just append...
Click on it, always prompt for a new location, ok, and it will pop up the spot in the network where it is located. Hit the up button a few times till you figure out where you are.
If you have which product category it belongs to in a table, for instance:
Product ProductType
Apple Fruit
Pear Fruit
Lettuce Veggie
You can recreate a query to Output it that way by doing the following 2 queries. I created this on the fly, so there may be a faster way.
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