It's a 2.0 system...Not sure of current PEP's and dont have remote access. I did check the PEP lvl last time I was out, and PEP's were current (Just dont remember off hand)
I have a site (OPT 81C with CallPilot) that about once a week gives ring no answer on all ports. A reboot is required to fix the issue.
The attachment contains the following errors:
The following device(s) havn't been used by CallPilot system: (A bunch of board names and DSP names
We currently have A4 DMI tie lines between our Aspect and PBX.
We would like to have PRI ties but cant figure out the right D-channel config.
Is there anyone out there that has connected these systems useing PRI ties?
Thanks in advance
What I found was that if you use the same string for set capture file and any other function that it will not always work. Also figured out that it is helpful to use set capture path alog with set capture file.
Sorry for the lack of info as I was knee deep in this project.
I wrote this script to capture my morning routines and email the results to me, however, the set capture file does not seem to be working. It just openes the default file.
Any ideas?
proc main
set capture file "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Procomm Plus\Capture\Plaza 2.cap"
set capture...
Knob, thanks for the solution. However, there is one slight problem with this program. I work at a place where the security policy is to lock the comuper after 15 min of no activity, and I am trying to use this script to run my morning routines and email results before I get to work. Any ideas?
I am trying to send an email with an attached file via a script. The problem is that a outlook message comes up saying " A program is trying to send an email on your behalf. Do you want to allow this?"
How do I set the focus to the yes button and hit enter?
Thanks in advance
Knob, I figured it out and feel pretty stupid! I put the ][ in the string myself with this: termmsg "[%s]" DataVal...Took the [ and ] out of the quotes and whammo it works! Thanks for the help.
The string basically is what I posted above without the ][. I have a feeling that these are some sort of line feed or CR, but I thought I took care of those with my strreplace statements.
I am haveing an issue with the output of termmsg. My goal is to assign logical names to route lists in my switch. The problem I am haveing is the "][" at the begining of each line as seen below.
][DSC 2221
][FLEN 0
][Unassigned RAN
][DSC 2222
][FLEN 0
][DSP LSC...
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