Well, I bought a new PC- AMD Athlon 2500+ Barton 512 L2 on Epox's motherboard EP-8RDA+
revision 2.1! I'm not sure about my memory I bought it at low price maybe it's Kingston Value Ram 3200 it runs @ 8-3-2-2.5 timings of course @ 200Mhz.My hard disk is Maxtor 80 GB @ 7200rpm(6Y080L0),graphics...
I'm sure that it supports AGP 4x 'cause in the BIOS and on my previous graphics card(RIVA TNT2) it was AGP 4x.Also Sandra 2002 analyzed my Comp. and showed that my motherboard does support AGP 4x.I will try to install WindowsME to see if things will be better.By the way those guys wrote wrong...
I have a Gigabyte motherboard- GA-6VX7B-4x, Intel Celleron @766Mhz overclocked@957Mhz and a GeForce4Ti4800se. GREAT graphics card, but i can't get it to work at 4x speed.Although I set the AGP speed to 4x in the BIOS, still in the Windows i get a note that my card's speed is 2x and in...
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