I can mask the parts of the pictures i don't want in the final film.
But how do i "tell" flash only to consider the dimentions of the unmasked area to be put to film?
Hello guys
I have animated a sequence of images, but when I make the film they are in the center of a white screen.
Can anybody tell me please how do I crop the film, if I only want the square area in the middle to be the film.
Is it with a mask? If so, how?
Many thanks in advance
But a month ago i was able to perform any task (play , export clips , etc...) using the same Premiere 6.5 and the same MPEG clip.I created MPEGs from the same MPEGs that i cannot play in the timeline view now.
I think i have installed a video codecs pack since, and may be that ruined the good...
Hello.Please, can somebody help me with this.
MPEG files imported into premiere 6.5 play if opened in the project window.
As soon as they are dragged into the timeline, and played, the video jumps from one still to another (maybe 1 sec or 2 apart)
I have matched the frame rate of the settings...
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