This gets wierder & WIERDER. I tried your suggestion... still no luck with the FOOTER... BUT, when I put the text box in the HEADER, & use the same criteria you suggested (withOUT the non-visible box in the body of the report), it WORKS correctly.
Anybody got any other ideas?
I added it in the FOOTER, per what Duane said. It shows up as UNBOUND, then I inserted the =Count(TRNO) into the UNBOUND frame... is it supposed to be entered in there another way?
I've read all the HELP stuff, but cannot find a step-by-step that shows me a simple way to insert a COUNT or TOTAL at the bottom of a report (in this case, it should just count the TOTAL number of problem reports in the report. I BELIEVE that SUM=Fieldname should work, but it gives me an #ERROR...
That was a WINNER, xChuck.... it doesn't do everything I need, but it takes care of the initial problem. I'm trying to do this without having to monkey with USER SECURITY (since I'd rather only have to use network user permissions). This will make that happen, as long as the user doesn't...
I have a small app setup in ACCESS that tracks contractors, allows vendors to add new employees/data & does basic Help Desk functions. I need to know how to PROTECT the form, so remote users (who have been allowed entry via a network share) can ONLY use the SWITCHBOARD and it's forms. In other...
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