I am trying to connect to a SQL Express database by using a connection string from a VB Windows application in Visual Studio but I get the following error. I tried getting a solution in the Microsoft SQL Server: Programming forum but was unable to. I am using the latest version of Visual Studio...
Again I trying to find a solution to my dilema but the following works with a sample data base that I used prior to my real data. It is the same connection string as mine except the data of course. Again any enlightment from anyone would be appreciated.
This is the connection string the connection wizard is trying to use:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\SecretarySystem\SecretarySystem_Data.MDF";
Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True
I read in some other forum that maybe the...
Using the connection wizard I am trying to connect to a SQL Express database and I get the following error(s):
Unable to open physical file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\myfile.mdf". Operating system error 32: 32(The
process cannot access the file because it...
You can also achieve bold using something like the following. Where Bold is part of the font definition.
* Base Body Style
oBodyStyle = oDoc.Styles.Add("Body", wdStyleTypeParagraph)
WITH oBodyStyle
.BaseStyle = oDoc.Styles[wdStyleNormal]
WITH .Font
.Name = "Times New Roman"
.Size = 14...
Some of the constants I defined in the program at the top like.
#define swchp "Championship Package Sponsor(s): "+ALLTRIM(grp.cswchp)
#define wdPrintView 3
Others are all the constants used in msword9.h which is a header file for Microsoft Word that has all of Word's constants defined. I...
I may not have answered your question quite right. You DO NOT see the tables so no ones knows if it is a table or not. I just found that making data line up and look good is so much easier with a table.
I'm sorry I was not trying to do anything wrong. I posted quite a bit of code and I just wanted to answer and questions that might arise. I will do it on the forum.
Here is code I use that creates a table for me and I insert data into the columns. If you don't understand any of this just email me and I will explain any part.
oWord = CREATEOBJECT("Word.Application")
oWord.Visible = .T.
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add()
* Get Document in Print View...
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