I need to use excel for importing and exporting specific data for my powerbuilder application. I know how to open and close an excel file. but does anyone have a complete list with all the excel command that I can use? and is it possible to search in an excel file for a specific word?
Well it makes pages depending on the size of the datawindow object on the window. I would like that it doesnt make pages but just make one long list just like it would do when you dont make a group column in the datawindow
When I make groups in a datawindow powerbuilder automaticly makes pages with a fixed number of rows on it. How can I change the number of rows that can fit on one page
I am trying to change the border around a cell from powerbuilder.
lobjExcel.Activesheet.Cells(20,1).border.lineStyle = 1
this will put a border around the cell but I just want the leftside of the cell to show up. I tried alot of thnigs like...
Oke I got that part now but I have a very dificult question now.
The index is just a number of a schedule in the calender. so lets say there are 5 different appointments on the calender. If i save them I have to convert the ID to strings (I dont know why but else I cant retrieve them) so the...
I solved all of the previuos problems but still have a question. I still cannot select the ID of the appointment I select or add or delete.
I asume I need some kind of code like
OLEObject lole_item
lole_item = ole_schedule.Object.ScheduleItems[index]
But I am not shure what to do with the...
never mind I solved it myself.
I first get the selected row bye the .getrow function and then I get the selected column with the .getselectedcolumn function and combine them in the getitemnumber function. works great
I have a datawindow and it displays company's,projects and some other thnigs
soemthing like this:
Code Company project ....
AAA Bouwvest 12 impressies ....
etc etc etc etc.
If someone clickes on a row in a particulair column it should...
I have a Datawindow that has a group in it. I only display the headers of the groups. If a user doubleclicked on a row in the datawindow it should openup a new window with some details. But if I use the getrow method it always returns 1.
hmm Now I really have a strange problem. From the one second to another I am getting an error message when I try to load the appointments
it gives me the error message:
incorrect number of parameters to external function add on line 97. I used the excact same code as you do and it worked fine...
How can I het the ID or the index of the scheduleitem that is currently selected? if I use the method .selecteditem it always gives me back the last index and not the one I have selected
Tnx works great now but still I still could use some help with the database part.
How do you add, change, delete an appointment and put the changes in a datawindow? I dont understand the code they use in the uguide.doc becuase that is VB6 code.
Hmm didnt quite worked the way I wanted it. I regester all the components that are listed in the runtime.txt. But I get an error when someone wants to try to make a new appointment.
this is the error message:
Failed to load control 'ScheduleProperties' from . Your version of may be outdated...
Not shure how to edit postst so here is one again.
I solved the above problem. BUT.
I deploy my Powerbuilder application on a server and people have shortcuts to it so they can run the program. But if anyone but me tries to open up the calender the program crashes. I guess this is because they...
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