Sorry but that didn't work. I still have the month showing twice. The first time shows 2002 data in the h1 fields and the second pass shows the 2003 data in the cy fields as shown.
Month hiamount cyamount h1count cycount
January 1000.00 1200.00
February 1233.00...
SELECT [All retail by year].account, [All retail by year].name, [All retail by year].date, [All retail by year].CYamount, [All retail by year].CYstatunits, [All retail by year].CYCount, [All retail by year].H1amount, [All retail by year].H1statunits, [All retail by year].H1Count
FROM [All retail...
I am attempting to create a report that compares data from 2002 to 2003 by month. I have a query that has the 2002 data with field names h1amount, h1count. it also has 2003 data in fieds cyamount and cycount. I want to compare the data side by side by month.
Month hiamount...
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