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Search results for query: *

  1. ronnyjljr

    simple array

    @jmeckley Parallel arrays can get disorganized very quickly. A better solution is to use associate arrays. This way you can change the order and not have to worry about maintaining more than one data structure ~Ron <html> <title>Test</title> <head> <script> var oCountries = { "USA": {leader...
  2. ronnyjljr

    dropdown value??

    Here is an example. Hope this helps. ~Ron <html> <title>Test</title> <head> <script> function doStuff(oElem){ //Selected value var sValue = oElem.value; //Iterate through options, remove the value that is selected var oOptions = oElem.options; for (var i =0;i<oOptions.length;i++){...
  3. ronnyjljr

    Open window in javascript

    Hi there, Have you tried using window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth? window.innerWidth = 1200; window.innerHeight = 400; ~Ron typedef map<GiantX,gold, less<std::shortestpathtogold> > AwesomeMap;
  4. ronnyjljr

    Auto Wrap on Input Field

    I figured as much. Thanks, ~Ron typedef map<GiantX,gold, less<std::shortestpathtogold> > AwesomeMap;
  5. ronnyjljr

    Auto Wrap on Input Field

    Hello, If I have an input field as such: <input class="myClass" type="text" name="test"> and CSS class: .myClass{ width: 200px; } Is there any way with CSS, to have the text auto-wrap when text hits the right hand side? Rather than auto scrolling to the right, pushing the...
  6. ronnyjljr

    Round Corners in Safari

    Hi, If I have a <div> or a <fieldset> tag in Firefox, I can apply the following styles to make them have rounded corners: -moz-border-radius: 8px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; In IE I use VML to render rounded rectangles to replaces <divs> and the <fieldset> tag is already rounded if...
  7. ronnyjljr

    String To Dom Tree in Internet Explorer

    Hello, I have an HTML String that is returned from an innerHTML property of a rich text area embedded in my page. I want to take this string and load it into a DOM tree so that I can iterate through it's elements. I can do this in firefox by using the treewalker. Can anyone show me how...
  8. ronnyjljr

    JavaScript &lt;-&gt; Servlet communication

    Here is one way to do it.... Make a seperate jsp file which takes parameters via URL. Have the JSP file communicate with the servlet, echo out the data, then have Javascript parse the results and update what you need to. -------- Example: I want to keep checking for the number of posts for a...
  9. ronnyjljr

    Downloading a file...

    Curl is exactly what I wanted. Thanks! Though, the developer docs could be a bit more clear. ~Ron typedef map<GiantX,gold, less<std::shortestpathtogold> > AwesomeMap;
  10. ronnyjljr

    Downloading a file...

    Hi, The program is stand alone and text based written from scratch. I am using GCC on Ubuntu to compile. Lets say given a text or CSV (commas seperated value) file location such as: http://www.somewebsite.com/adir/mytext.txt or http://www.somewebsite.com/adir/script.php?p=2 I am looking...
  11. ronnyjljr

    Downloading a file...

    If I wanted to download a file from a web server, how would I go about doing it? Would I use Sockets or is than an easier way? Thanks, Ron typedef map<GiantX,gold, less<std::shortestpathtogold> > AwesomeMap;
  12. ronnyjljr

    accessing anchor &lt;a&gt; value in a loop

    In your for loop, what is the termination condition? In your above example you just say: for(int i =0;....); It sounds like when you view the page using the links, whatever termination condition you are using is true and the loop is never entered. Please post your entire code but be sure to...
  13. ronnyjljr

    need help in understanding exceptions

    When you use that method you are required to enclose the call in a try/catch statement. This means the calling function will deal with any errors that occur, rather than the called function. YourObject obj = new YourObject(); try { obj.readFile("test.txt"); } catch (IOException e) {...
  14. ronnyjljr

    basic constructor question

    instanceVariable1 and 2 are not in letsee() method's scope; that is, it has no idea they exist. You have them declared and initialized inside the constructor, which only the constructor can use; pretty much useless. Declare them in the main body of the class, then other methods can use them...
  15. ronnyjljr

    Sleep and Wakeup

    Hi, Does any one know how to sleep and wakeup the computer at certain times? I would imagine we would have to do this in the task scheduler. But I want the computer to sleep every night at 1:30am and wakeup at 8:00am. Is this possible? Thanks, ~Ron typedef map<GiantX,gold...
  16. ronnyjljr

    problem fetching remote xml file using ajax

    Hi, If the URL of the 'doc' you are trying to open is located on a different server, it will not work. AJAX has built in cross-domain scripting protection to prevent malicious use. To get around this, you can use a scripting language like PHP to create a proxy page on your domain. <?php...
  17. ronnyjljr


    Hello, I am using a snippet I found on a website to run ldap queries. Would it be better to create a custom object to hold all of the ldap information retrieved for a particular person? or does this already exist as a java class somewhere? //IE... public class MyLdapResult { String...
  18. ronnyjljr

    Draw Lines with CSS

    I do define a grid for the days and times and place the grid accordingly. Give me more credit than that guys! As far as Google Calendar, this small web application isn't changing that often, once every 4 months or so and only displays office hours. If it gets any more complicated, then I would...
  19. ronnyjljr

    Draw Lines with CSS

    Thats what I wanted. I posted the image. typedef map<GiantX,gold, less<std::shortestpathtogold> > AwesomeMap;
  20. ronnyjljr

    Draw Lines with CSS

    Hmm... Better solution to this problem. This is for a calendar application. I just wanted to draw a box between two sections. I decided I could calculate the offset after I knew the first position. Then I set the z-index to 2 and made the boxes semi-transparent. The result: Nice overlapping...

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