Thanks for the info. I'll let you know how it works out.
On a side note, the macro still works on my Windows XP computer, just not on the Windows 7 upgraded computers.
I have a macro that was written a few years ago, and the team now using it is having trouble after upgrading their systems to Windows 7.
The macro launches from Excel, opens an Internet Explorer window and captures data after entering a few things. I haven't been able to find the solution, nor...
I am a barely proficient VBA programmer that had learned to write VBA code to import Excel data into Attachmate Extra.
Our company has moved to using Reflection for the Web 2011, which has Java based macros.
I'm trying to update my program to import the Excel data into the new Reflection for...
I'm using this to open the site:
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With objIE
.Visible = True
.Navigate "My_Web_Page"
End With
While objIE.Busy
While objIE.Document.readystate <> "complete"
It works for filling out the log-in form, but this page...
Ya, I tried (0) as well. It returns the error as well.
Thanks for posting the Watch FAQ. Had never tried that before.
The value of the object "objParent" is "Nothing" in the watch window. Not sure how to dig around to see what objects / forms are on the page.
Thanks for the reply.
Dim objIE As Object
Dim objParent As Object
Set objParent= objIE.Document.Forms(1)
With objParent
objParent.Item("ht_itemnumber").Value = "123456"
End With
Returns an error:
Run-time error '91':
Object variable or With block variable not set
I tried Forms(1)...
Using Excel VBA to fill out a web page.
Using something similar to:
Set objParent = objIE.Document.Forms("?")
With objParent
objParent.Item("hsl_itemtype").Value = "123456"
End With
While objIE.Busy
But the web page does not show the form name, and running CautionMP's...
I've been working on a macro to check inventory on merchandise.
When I run the "Get Field" macro by CautionMP, the results are blank.
Checking "For Each" form with a macro, it skips past the "Next" giving me reason to think there are no forms or they've hidden it beyond my skills.
I believe...
Also, while I have you... I'm having trouble getting IE to settle after manipulation.
While objWindow.Busy
While objWindow.Document.ReadyState <> "complete"
doesn't seem to be enough wait time. Is there a better alternative, or more things to wait for?
I'm using and application in Excel to fill out a form in IE.
I've got the fields set, however I don't seem to be able to find the correct command to hit the "Save" button on the form. I'm new to using Excel to manipulate IE, and haven't found any reference to clicking on a button. Best I can...
Skip - we use Excel to do a number of applications, and when we need to call on one of the EXTRA macros, we just need a pop up box for an item number, quantity, store, etc... depending on the application. Since the macros can run for quite a while, we want to be able to use Excel while the...
Skie I wasn't sure if you could call the Extra macro. I would rather do that, but wouldn't know the code. You'd have to find what object it is and then get it to start, and I'm not a programmer enough to accomplish that.
Also, to answer LearningAsIGo, I'm not getting to the point where I'm...
My department has a few macros we'd like to run from Excel. We're attempting to use Excel to launch a process in a session, however when running a macro with Excel you can't do any work in Excel until it's finished.
What we're targeting is having an Excel macro open a particular session, then...
I have tried it a few times this morning and it seems to be having trouble with some fields and not others, so it may just be tempremental.
In choosing the STATE where the State Name "California" is listed as a Select Element, the output in the spreadsheet from the Getfields() shows "CA"...
I have seen and attempted to use your FAQ, but seem to keep running into trouble understanding how to use the SETFIELDS function.
Using your program as a tool, I'll run the GetFields portion and receive some great info. However I can't tell what to do with the spreadsheet to have it...
Excellent!!! 1 more question. Is it also possible to operate Drop Down menus, such as ""
and radial buttons like ""?
I'm the only person in my department who has any idea of writing excel macros, so I've been given the task of writing a macro to screen scrape a web site. "They're both microsoft programs, so it should be easy."
I've tried a number of applications, and it appears that the site would have to be...
stevexff - thanks for the very helpful information. I have not tired scraping the jsessionid value before.
I have been able to figure out what the jsessionid is, but wouldn't know what to do with it (I'm trying something in excel outside my comfort zone, but learning alot from trying to solve...
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