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Search results for query: *

  1. MelissaEvans

    I have created a large OCX that is

    I have created a large OCX that is basically a user interface. I had to do this so I could use it in my own shell and so that another developer could use it too. There are many, many pieces to this OCX, and the install program for it was obnoxious. In order to get it to the other developer, I...
  2. MelissaEvans

    Binary Compatibility Distribution

    Yes I did set the version to increment automatically. Is this a good thing?
  3. MelissaEvans

    Binary Compatibility Distribution

    OK... This is something that I thought I understood, but apparently do not. *sigh* I have developed an OCX with Binary Compatibility. The file that it's pointing to is the current version of the OCX. I don't know what it's doing with this file. I had assumed it was checking for differences...
  4. MelissaEvans

    Three ADO Mysteries

    First, I'm using ODBC because other customers may not be using SQL Server. I have to keep other options available; my manager requires that. Second, I understand the concept of a keyset cursor and I'm not particularly worried about changes made by other users; just the ones made by the current...
  5. MelissaEvans

    Three ADO Mysteries

    Given: SQL 7.0, using an ODBC connection, ADO 2.5, MDAC 2.51, server side cursor, keyset cursor type, optimistic locks 1. I have a trigger that is altering a field in the background upon update. Actually, it makes several changes. I am using a keyset cursor type (which means that I should...
  6. MelissaEvans

    ADO Find w/o MoveFirst

    I need to be able to search a recordset for a specific piece of data. I use the .Find method with the skip of 0, moving forward, starting at the first record; but it doesn't find the record. If I do a .MoveFirst, then it does. The problem is that with SQL Server 7 and a server side cursor...
  7. MelissaEvans

    "Adventure" installing home-made OCX

    I have an OCX with several user controls. Two of the controls are private (they are inside of a public control, but not for the use of other programmers). A - private control, used in B B - private control, used in C C, D, E - public controls I have created an install script with the PDW. When...
  8. MelissaEvans

    Programatically getting DSN's, DB's and Tables

    Thank you! Wrox must do really well - I've fallen in love with their ADO 2.6 Programmers' Reference book. =) ~Melissa
  9. MelissaEvans

    Programatically getting DSN's, DB's and Tables

    Thanks for the help getting the sysem DSN's.... but I guess I'm being silly. How do you enumerate through the DB's and tables? I'm only looking for SQL Server connections (no Access) if that clarifies anything. =) I like your smiley! =) ~Melissa
  10. MelissaEvans

    Controlling tab of an SSTab

    on the LostFocus event of the text box, set the tab to 2. You'd probably want to put in some checking to be sure that the user really put in informtation where he/she should. Private sub LastText_LostFocus() ' check to see if the information's filled in If Len(Text1.Text) > 0 and...
  11. MelissaEvans

    Complicated SQL Query

    You'd have to use it for every item, but Select Count(*) from <table> where Policy_Number = &quot;<value>&quot; might be useful (and tedious...) Good luck! ~Melissa
  12. MelissaEvans

    Programatically getting DSN's, DB's and Tables

    I have an app that is very configurable. It talks to a table, but the user decides what table it uses. Not only that, but the user decides what ODBC DSN to use, and which database to use. Currently, I have a configuration tool where the user types in this informtaion, but that's very prone to...
  13. MelissaEvans

    Need help Navigating through ADO Recordset

    It looks like you are setting the text, but not binding the column to the text box. Whenever you move through the recordset, you'll need to update the text box's text also. The previous button won't work becuase you're already at the beginning of the recorset. You'll have to do some error...
  14. MelissaEvans

    date format check?

    The IsDate won't check for formatting issues, it's not that picky. You could use the IsDate to verify that you can convert it to a date and then use the Format function to put it in the format you want. If IsDate(DateStr) Then Text1.Text = Format(DateStr, &quot;DD/MM/YYYY&quot;) Else...
  15. MelissaEvans

    Should I use Trim or Len?

    Trim removes spaces in the front and end of your string, Len returns how many characters are in the string. I think you'd have to do some parsing on your own using InStr and Mid. Something like this maybe... Dim DataStr as String ' assumes has 3 cols, 2 periods Dim PeriodPos as Integer Dim...
  16. MelissaEvans

    ADO connection and good practices

    One connection can have more than one recordset. You might want to try declaring and using different recordset objects for each data grid, but have them all use the same connection object to get their information. objCon.ConnectionString = <string> objCon.Open RS1.Open <SQL>, objCon...
  17. MelissaEvans

    ADO, AddNew, and ID Fields

    Please notice that I said I cannot assume SQL Server - my manager likes to sell Access as well (or Oracle or whatever the customer wants). That's why I have to use the ODBC provider and the @@IDENTITY will not work in my case. But like I said, I've managed to use a Server side cursor which has...
  18. MelissaEvans

    toggle button

    Use two option buttons (a.k.a radio buttons) and check their values. something like: if optAnd.value = 1 then finalstring = string1 & &quot; and &quot; & string2 else finalstring = string1 & &quot; or &quot; & string2 end if
  19. MelissaEvans

    VB and SQL7

    I've been using ADO for my database accessing. Wrox published a great book on it, written by David Sussman called ADO 2.6 Programmer's Reference. I highly recommend it.
  20. MelissaEvans

    getting the RecordCount faster

    You're right, the &quot;select count(*) from <table> where <whatever>&quot; is much faster - for some reason I figured that's what the recordcount did automatically. Apparently, with server side cursors, it has to bring in the recordset and then count them instead which takes much, much too...

Part and Inventory Search
