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Search results for query: *

  1. leekikwan


    I tried to update a record which has a date field. Following code works fine when it has a date value. However, it is not working when that field is null. <fmt:parseDate var="ADOB" value="${param.DOB}" dateStyle='short' /> <sql:transaction> <sql:update var='updateDemo'> UPDATE T_PATIENT_DEMO...
  2. leekikwan

    JSTL null date

    I tried to update a record which has a date field. Following code works fine when it has a date value. However, it is not working when that field is null. <fmt:parseDate var="ADOB" value="${param.DOB}" dateStyle='short' /> <sql:transaction> <sql:update var='updateDemo'> UPDATE T_PATIENT_DEMO...
  3. leekikwan

    Can I run SQL query typed in TextArea in ColdFusion forms?

    What I want to do is that when user type in the sql query in textarea box, it is excuted in the next page. I have tried as follows. It is working when I run select SQL statement. However, when I run update or insert SQL statement, I get "The page cannot be displayed. HTTP 500 - Internal...
  4. leekikwan

    ORA-00911: invalid character error

    I have found out the solution. The problem was NEXTDT variable. It create a ODBC timestamp date string and ColdFusion 4.5 does not handle it very well. (It works Verision 5.0 and after). I have corrected it as follows. <cfset NEXTDT=DateFormat(NEXTDT,"mm/dd/yyyy")> <cfquery NAME = "AddRecord"...
  5. leekikwan

    How can I display their user name on every page until they log off?

    I have created a log in feature as follows. I now want to display username on top corner of every page they visit. Will you tell me how I do that? Application.cfm <!--- Create the application ---> <cfapplication name="MyApp" clientmanagement="Yes" sessionmanagement="Yes"...
  6. leekikwan

    ORA-00911: invalid character error

    When I run following cfml file in CF V4.5, I get ORA-00911: invalid character error. <cflock name="InsertNewRecord" type = "EXCLUSIVE" timeout="60"> <cftransaction> <CFIF #FORM.MELD# LE 10> <CFSET NEXTDT = DateAdd("d", 365, "#FORM.MDATE#")> <CFELSEIF #FORM.MELD# GE 11 and #FORM.MELD# LT 19>...
  7. leekikwan

    clob field in CF 4.5

    Following field's datatype is clob in Oracle. ColdFusion 4.5 does not display the information in that field. How can I fix this? <td><textarea name="PNOTE" cols="90" rows="4">#PNOTE#</textarea></td>
  8. leekikwan

    Display the sum of queried results.

    I want to calculate the sum of the 2 queries' outcome. For example, I would like display the sum of ANCAL and BSCAL. <cfquery name="NCBMTCOUNT" datasource="abc"> SELECT COUNT(*) ANCAL FROM NTN.DEMO D, NTN.XPT1 T WHERE (D.MRN=T.MRN) AND T.XTYPE LIKE 'HT' AND D.HUB = 'NCAL' </cfquery>...
  9. leekikwan

    Got error when updating record with blank date

    Thanks thousands. It works.
  10. leekikwan

    Got error when updating record with blank date

    I am having a error message when I update the record with blank date field which is formatted as follows. <cfquery NAME = &quot;EditRecord&quot; datasource=&quot;xplant&quot;> UPDATE T_TRANSPLANT SET RDR='#FORM.RDR#', REFDATE=TO_DATE('#FORM.REFDATE#', 'MM/DD/YYYY')...

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