Thank you Scott,
But I would like to find a solution inside the .SCX and not in the .SPR file; because everytime I will change my screen and generate my project, my updates will be erased.
I'm using Fpw26.
On a .SCX screen, is it possible to set the field format (font, background color) according to a parameter.
If it's not possible, what is the best way to do so...
(I'm french...)
I use Foxpro Windows 2.6 on Windows XP
My problem often appears when I try to print a report (report form) which contains a lot of memory variables.
This message appears (in french) : "memoire insuffisante"
Then "Erreur interne de cohérence"
And "Erreur d'application :faute de protection...
When we try to print a report on our NPD system, there is a bug with FOXPROW which close the application.
If we use a local port with the same printer, it works.
Does anyone know how to solve the problem ?
Sorry, I'm french !
I'm french, excuse my English.
Some customers using a Foxpro W2.6 program have problems when printing reports on printers directly connected on LAN.
The error message is : "Printer not ready" Error 125
This problem appears only with our Fox application .
Does someone have an idea ? Is it...
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