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  1. Actor

    Elements of Programming Style

    This is an exercise from THE ELEMENTS OF PROGRAMMING STYLE by Kernighan and Plauger. The program supposedly counts characters, words and sentences. A slach signals end of data. The exercise is to replace the arithmetic ifs with logical iffs. I don't think the program works, arithmetic ifs or...
  2. Actor

    Automated equipment controlled by pascal program

    Where are you located? I'm asking because I've written such a program and I just might be the author of this program. Actor
  3. Actor

    Problem installing Free Pascal

    The name of the file appears to be ppcrossx64.exe ??
  4. Actor

    Problem installing Free Pascal

    Well, the operating system is Windows XP. Installer? I guess it's whatever downloads with the program. Actually I don't think there is/was any installer per se. Whatever unzipped it created C:\FPC and put the files in it.
  5. Actor

    Problem installing Free Pascal

    I've been trying to install Free Pascal on my PC. The download seems to have gone OK. There is now a directory called FCP with a subdirectory named 2.2.0. What next? Isn't the program itself supposed to be FCP.EXE? This file does not exist. Do I need to do some more unzipping? There are...
  6. Actor

    tpc crashes when invoked from Command Prompt in Win XP

    In the last 24 hours I have had TPC crash whenever I use it on my XP machine. I.e., I type TPC myprog and the Command Prompt window immediately disappears. The problem seems to be connected with certain sources files, i.e., files with .pas as the extension. However, compiling unaffected files...
  7. Actor

    Typed Constant Record

    I want to create an array of records and have it be a typed constant, I've tried the following: Type ElementType = record Noun : String ; AtomNum : Byte ; AtomMass : Real end ; Const ATOM_TABLE : Array [0 .. 2] of ElementType = (...
  8. Actor

    Finding a run-time error

    I'm using the command line compiler of Turbo Pascal 7. I do not have the IDE. I recall there is a method of running the compiler and having it tell you which line of code has a run-tme error. It is some kind of switch that tells the compiler the address of the error. It's something like...
  9. Actor

    Variable not passing from function to main code

    Change if arrowkey = chr(65) then to if upcase(arrowkey) = chr(65) then Then it will not matter whether you press 'A' or 'a'.
  10. Actor

    Deleting records in typed files in Turbo Pascal

    Thanks for the input Glenn9999. That's exactly what I thought but it appears that we both may be wrong. Just yesterday I was browsing through Turbo Pascal 7 the Complete Reference by Stephen K. O'Brien when I found this: Truncate procedure Truncate(var F); Forces end of file to be the...
  11. Actor

    Deleting records in typed files in Turbo Pascal

    Is there any way to delete a record in a typed file? For example: type whatype = file of string ; var f : whatype ; i : longint ; begin i := 99 ; assign (f, 'whatever') ; reset (f) ; delete (f,i) ; close (f) end. In the above code delete (var f:whatype ; i:longint)...
  12. Actor

    Copy protection for .exe files

    Suppose I write a program and sell copies of the .exe file. How can I keep one customer from making a copy of the .exe file and giving it away? (or selling it? I don't want to use a dongle. I have bought software that required a code to install but I have no idea how to implement such a...
  13. Actor

    FLoat Datatype

    3.4E+38 means 340,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.0 3.4E-38 means 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000034 In other words 3.4E+38 means 3.4 with the decimal point shifted 38 positions to the right. 3.4E-38 means 3.4 with the decimal point shifted 38 positions to the left.
  14. Actor

    FAT 16 or FAT 32

    I have an old PC with Windows 98. The HD is 8.4 Gig with four partitions of 2.1 Gig each. Only the C: partition has anything on it. There are no files on the machine that I want to keep. I want to make this a DOS 6.22 machine. I had planed to repartition the drive with fdisk, but it occurs...
  15. Actor

    What does it do?

    thread935-969152 First, it would not compile because the variable pocMedz is never declared. Second, assuming that was fixed, the program simply clears the screen, then waits for the user to hit a key. The Boolean expression in the IF statement will never evaluate to TRUE ergo the write...
  16. Actor


    Here's a new development. It seems that WriteLn causes a line feed only, without any carriage return, i.e., in a series of WriteLn subsequent output begins in the column following the end of the output from the previous WriteLn. I don't know if the two problems are related or not. I'm using a...
  17. Actor


    None of the programs I have written with the intention of using redirection have used the CRT unit. As I stated, the example program works but others don't. Why some can be redirected and others can't I have no clue.
  18. Actor


    BACKGROUND DOS provides for redirection of input/output. A program designed to accept input from the keyboard and output to the screen can be made to accept input from a file and/or output to another file. For example, the following program is written for std in to std out. Program fCopy...
  19. Actor


    I think you mean permutations, not probability?
  20. Actor

    Pascal for iMac

    I'd like to program my iMac using Pascal. There seems to be four possibilities. 1. Turbo Pascal for Mac. I think Borland offered such a thing at one time. I keep browsing eBay for a copy. Can I download it? 2. Think Pascal. I have a link for a download but the site seems to no longer...

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