I include a simple line
xcopy c:\test.txt c:\temp
in a batch file test.bat. File and folders in context are all exist. when I run this batch file through either double clicking batch file or typing batch file name in the command window, it gave me an infinite rolling screen with repeative text...
Thanks, markros
It works. but instead of only give tblemployee a permission(because a lot tables are called in my clr). I give select permission to database and it all solved.
Thank again
I wrote A SQL CLR Stroedprocdure using C# on my machine and then deployed it to SQL Server 2008 on our company server. I Create a crystal report called this stored procedure and it worked fine. However, when I run this report on the other machine, it gave me an error as "Failed to open rowset...
Hi thevillageinn,
The link is
I can not use the barcode in this document to trigger the ctrl-S combination, however I am able to program the scanner use ASCII code 019 as sufix to trigger the keyboard action. 019 is...
Hi All,
I have excel spread sheet where user can scan the barcode for data entry. instead of have user to use mouse or keycode to save workbook, I would like to use a barcode to act as if user press Ctrl+S which will trigger the saving.
I found a piece of barcode for this purpose from a...
I have two sql script as below that can generate same result. However, for unknow reason, the second one run almost 10 times faster than the one with "INNER JOIN", anybody can explain why? From my understanding,sql script that using INNER JOIN refer the newest sql syntax and it should run...
As too many very old part numbers in our mysis system might cause poor perfermance, Last night I deactivated 8000 out of 22000 part numbers in the item module through accpac importing function, and those numbers may be currently used in the BOM at different level. It looks like system run OK.
Hi mirtheil,
Thank you for quick reponse. v9 is the current version of pervasive. I found those demodata files and copy those files right under demodata folder. I also set database point to this folder. however, nothing is under table tree in pervasive control center. anything wrong with my...
I don't know when the sample database "DEMODATA" was missed on the server and I am currently learning syntax of pervasive sql engine. Without the sample database in place, It really difficult to play around sql example.
what I knew is that the sample database is installed along with pervasive...
I have report has a group header with four sections that used to show different information. when group detail cross more than one page I would like to repeat only one of those four section. In other words, I can not just simply set group option to repeat the the header.
Is this possible...
Thank you ettienne,
Is this adding to group step within report installation interface or elsewhere? can you tell me how to add to the group.
what I saw on the report installation interface possibly for adding to group is the "user prompt" and I did select the one same as orginal report. I am...
I take an existing report from Mysis and add one more field into the report. Save as report in a different name. and then I installed the report with exactly setting as the report copied from. installation carried out successful. however, when I tried to run it from mysis, I could not find this...
Hi IBass,
I modified my report as you recommended. Theoretically, my report should work with subreport idea. However, My report is designed to simulate a MRP system where just complete a single run of this report will take about 3 to 5 minutes. So with subreport embeded in each Header, this...
I have both office 2000 and 2003 installed in my computer. by default, windows system uses office 2003 for opening all office file(xls, word...). However, All applications were developed with office 2000 and in addition, office 2003 is not available in many computers in my company. Is there a...
Continue on my expected result on the report. Based on detected status of all records in the group(status could be having records with minus balance qty in a group or no minus balance qty at all in a group), I would like display all detail records if any record in that group has minus balance...
Hi Lbass,
That is super.
I struggled for days with suggestion from Idomillet and get similar result as yours, but you solution is more comprehensive one with "if not inrepeatgrouphearder then" statement in place that prevents a potential error in my report.
Thank you very much
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