one more thing...
you should declare your thread in the same file in which you call it and before!! you call it.
you should substitute GameThread or YourThread in my examples with the name of your thread.
I had something similar in my application. I solved assigning the data processing to a working thread. Don't be scared now.
You can start your thread in your application with:
void CSoccerVisionDlg::OnButtonstart()
AfxBeginThread(YourThread, this); // start thread
Implement the data...
sorry i'm using vc++ 6.0.
Though the problem seems to be deeper than that. It seems that there is a missing link between dialog editor and source code...
Dear All,
its me again. i post this new thread, though the problem might also be linked to my previous one.
when i open the dialog editor and try to add new events to a control it just does not work. the caption "Events..." in the context menu does not activate. even when i want to...
Hey! I found a solution in an other Forum now.
The Out of Memory MessageBox comes from the .clw file. This one seems to get to big and I understood it has something to do with the language settings of my dialogs. better to say, if i don't define the language of my dialogs, they make a mess...
OK. The page size is at 400 MB, should be enough. There is no point in reinstalling VC++ as all the earlier versions of the program still work fine and the error occures also on different computers with different OS.
Now I have two suspicions:
1. The dialog editor is overloaded with controls
thanks again. i tried to free some space on the disk. now i have more than one GB free. that should be enough. still the problem persists. i load the recource file and i get a messagebox "out of memory" when i shut down VC++, and try to start again the workspace isn't loading at all...
OK. I have news:
I tryed to create a new workspace, by assembling all the files. When i open the resource file "MyProgram.rc" i get the messagebox "Out of Memory".
The problem isn't resolved when i restart my computer...
THANKS again!
Dear All,
i'm using VC++ to build a machine vision software. the software is build on a dialog based MFC application. I already got it to work smoothly until, last week when I tried to add more functions to one of my dialogs.
Suddenly the dialog editor started to make errors. I tried to turn...
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