I got a connection today using an asp page but here is the problem when I open the page I only want to see the stop buttons that actually have records in it. (12 stop signs and 12 caution signs connected to 24 access pages each calling up a different query. Only maybe 5 out of these contain...
I am using this code in an Access database to have a command button (stop sign) appear if there are any records in a specific query. (queried by <Date()).
If Nz(DCount("*", "OTP-2 StopError"), 0) > 0 Then
cmdOTP2SE.Visible = True
OTP2.Visible = False
I was afraid someone would ask that. I don't have the exact code I used on the html it is on a server at work. I built the db at home and it is similar to this, but I didn't use the Nz function I used Null.
If Nz(DCount("*", "OTP-2 StopError"), 0) > 0 Then...
Hi I have a db form that performs an action I want to duplicate it on a web page. It calls a specific query with equipment that has calibration dates, if the query has records with items dated less than the current date a stop sign appears, if there are any records with dates that are within the...
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