Gavin, the "dates work" is a date within a 14 day period.
The "dates work" could be any date prior to the
"Ending Pay Period" date. I inturprate your responds to indecate the "dates work" would be in the table, Am I correct? If so, the odds of it being in the table is small. Unless you are...
I have a list of dates work was done. The dates (A) fall within a pay period (B). How do I compare the date to the list of dates in a column, determine if the input value is within the pay period & if true, insert the pay day (C) for which that work day will be pay?
There is 14 days within the...
Thank you for the answer. I sometimes wonder when I provide too much or too little information when seeking help. I think that people using this web site are by far more knowageable than I. I did consider @Differance referance in the code I pasted. Your comment is well taken and I will try to...
I would like to remove the 0(zero) values in my Array if the entry is not filled from the iterations of the For loop. I've tryed using the [i]as the subscript for the ToText which would (I think) make the number of entries variable. I coded ToText(NewIDs[i],"#") + ', ' but versiion 8.5 of...
I have formual field called child_allergy in conditionaly place the DB field in the formual field or insert another value if a condition is not meet.
if isNull({ChildUserDefined.Allergy}) or
Trim({ChildUserDefined.Allergy}) ="" then "None On File "
Now, the print preview is where the data is omitted.
About the Crystal Report db set, I believe CR creates a temporary data set from the ACCESS data set requested from
the Record Select feature in CR. If this is true, I would like to see the records in it.
I'am having trouble getting related data to print.
I figured if I could see the records being fed to the print routine I could figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I'm told there we can veiw Crystal Report report dataset of the records. How is this done?
We have Crystal Report ver. 10(Sandard).
My table (MS/ACCESS) is in accending date order. I need to create a report accessing the latest data(current date). The read begin at the start of the table. There are 76k records before the data to report on is selected.
I spoke the vendor who creates the Access table and explained that their...
I'm basically entering the suggested code as is, with the exception I must convert my IDCodes.IDCode to numeric. However, during the syntex checking process the numbervar X comes up as needing to be a string in the following code.
//{@?startno_to_first_number} - this captures invoice numbers...
I have batted this report around all week w/o getting it to work. What I have is a DB table w/ IDCODES (string).
The IDCODES can be 1000 - 9999. However the assignment numbers are randomly made and are not in the field called "IDCODE" until entered.
Thus, there are missing numbers in the...
Global NumberVar Nxt_IDCODE02;
Global NumberVar Old_IDCODE01;
ToNumber next({IDCodes.IDCode});
({@Nxt_IDCODE02} = Next ({IDCodes.IDCode}));
ToNumber ({IDCodes.IDCode});
({@Old_IDCODE01} = ({IDCodes.IDCode}));
({@Nxt_IDCODE02}) - ({@Old_IDCODE01});
I need to...
I need to read the {file.idcode)that is a number string.
Read NEXT (file.idcode}.
Make both numeric.
Subtact the 1st. {file.idcode} fromt the NEXT file.idcode).
My array are field1 - field10
Use the differance as the counter and as an increment in a loop.
Here is my suedo code for the loop:
In the report the parameter allows for multiple single entries. However if I want select all the records how can I default?
Example: parameter accepts: AZ MO WI DE SD ND. This will give me all the records for these states. What would I code to get default for all 50 states?
I'm learning Crystal report on my own because the non-profit organiztion which needs applications using Crystal Report can not afford to send me to the $800+ classes and I'm not position either. So I have to come to a place where the knowledge is.
Now, in a report I have copied and changing has...
I have Cystal report V10 installed on my machine. By what I read, I can run the report without report viewer. If this is true, just how is that done? Are the option setting I must set so the report would look like a report when executed?
I have created a report and it is ready for the user to use.
But, I don't know how to run it without it opening up in the design mode. This report has a parameter screen where
the user select from a list to select the desired records.
What I think should be happening whent program is started...
I'm not being very clear. These are fields 1-8 with dates in them, or null,zero or blank. I need to increment through
field 1-8 checking for the presence of a date with the format mm/dd/yyyy, ie 12/25/2003. Just how do you increment from one field to another? If it was one large field, I would...
I have a DB that has immunization shot dates.
There are 1 - 12 rows with 1 - 8 columns each.
The first row is the name of the immunization.
Under each column there is the date the shot was given.
The number of entries for a given shot can be up eight.
I want to count the number of dates in a...
I would like to get a manual that list the format and show examples for the formulas used in Crystal Report. We are using Release 8 and the reference book by Osborne, but I need to see better examples that work.
I have a DB that has immunization shot dates. There are 1 - 12 rows with 1 - 8 columns each. The rows are filled left to right with the name of the immuniztion and the columns value being a date the shot was given.
Not all row (immunizinations)entries or columns (dates shot given) are filled.
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