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Search results for query: *

  1. disk42

    Any way to call a method in a higher class?

    Have you tried getParent()? public class A { public A() { B myB = new B(); } public methodA() { System.out.println("Hola"); } } public class B { public B() { methodB(); } public methodB() { ((A)getParent()).methodA(); } } Phil
  2. disk42

    ASP Expiration not working

    Excellent! I put the ASP code from that site into my Order form page, and it worked. Thanks a bunch :-) Phil
  3. disk42

    ASP Expiration not working

    Hey, I'm working on a picture upload site. I have 3 main pages: 1) Picture Type Choice 2) Upload Form 3) Thank You There is a sessioned order number that is used throughout. It is created in (1) and cleared in (3). (2) and (3) check to see if the order number is still sessioned before they...
  4. disk42

    Interesting Recordset error...

    Yeah, that's what it seemed like at first. Here's the DB structure: OrderNumber mediumint(9) ImageType tinytext FileName text FilePath text Quantity tinytext Size tinytext Mount tinytext Texture tinytext Spray tinytext Spot...
  5. disk42

    Interesting Recordset error...

    Figured it out: Apparently, you can only access a column in a particular row ONCE, then MySQL doesn't like it anymore. So, I assigned the columns to variables and just used those, rather than call, for instance, objrs("FilePath") more than once. Thanks anyway :-) Phil
  6. disk42

    Interesting Recordset error...

    I've bolded the offending line: <%@ Language=VBScript %> <%Response.Buffer = True%> <!-- #include file="SecurityHDR.asp" --> <% '**************************************** '* OrderForm.asp '* '* -initializes the order process '* -retrieves stored order data from the database '* -starts up and...
  7. disk42

    cgi/img prob

    Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but... Why do you have your image set inside <h3></h3> tags?
  8. disk42

    cgi/img prob

    Hello, If your image is in the same directory as the script, then change: print qq(<h3><img src = "/A.jpg" alt = "should be pic ere"></h3>); to one of the following: print qq(<h3><img src = "A.jpg" alt = "should be pic ere"></h3>); print qq(<h3><img src = "./A.jpg" alt = "should be pic...
  9. disk42

    Interesting Recordset error...

    Hello all, I just installed MySQL on Windows 2000 Server, and am trying to rewrite my ASPs to interface with it. When I try to access one of the columns in the recordset, Microsoft Script Debugging pops up with an "Exception Occurred" error. In the command window I type in, and receive back...
  10. disk42


    You could try calling focus back to form1 after popping up form2 Phil
  11. disk42

    Applet error

    No, it's 1.4.1_05, same as me (that was included at the top of the Java console when it initializes, but I didn't include it).
  12. disk42

    Applet error

    Hello, I have an applet for an image upload site, using Swing components. There is one user that, when he tries to load the applet, gets this error: java.lang.N ullPointerException at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.<init>(Unknown Source) at...
  13. disk42

    UPDATE not updating

    I tried taking the CDate function out, I separated it back into 2 update statements, and output &quot;err.number&quot; for each one. It still doesn't work, and err.number is 0 for both statements. There are also no errors in the connection's Errors collection. Could it have something to do...
  14. disk42

    UPDATE not updating

    I know the criterion is met. I put code in to search for the records before the UPDATE line to test this, and I've gotten a result. strDateComplete is in date format; as I've said, the code used to work. I also tried using 2 update queries, and that did not solve my problem either.
  15. disk42

    UPDATE not updating

    Here's the update code: strSQL = &quot;UPDATE OrderDetails SET Uploaded=True, ETADate=#&quot; & cdate(strDateComplete) & &quot;# WHERE OrderNumber=&quot; & intJobOrderNumber objcon.Execute strSQL It's not in an If..Then statement, so it always executes. I'm not sure if you wanted the whole...
  16. disk42

    UPDATE not updating

    Greetings all, I have 2 ASP files that work on an Access DB - Update.asp and ThankYou.asp. Update.asp inserts rows into the DB, and ThankYou.asp updates a Yes/No field, setting it to true. This setup used to work, but I've updated Update.asp and the DB. Now, the UPDATE statement in...

Part and Inventory Search
