I am using Crystal reports 9 following the sample web report design wizard they have (ASP). When viewing a report from the wizard the user has an option to click on the print icon and print a report. What this does is pop-up a window that asks the user what pages do they want to print. This is...
After installing Crystal reports application server doing a full install on a NT4 machine. I can not get the service to start. Any help on this would be much appreciated.
Keep getting the error: 2140 An internal windows NT error occured
I am using Crystal reports 9 and Sql Server. The code below is sample code from crystal that I am using to add a filter.
' *************************************************************
' Add the selected filters
Function addFilters(filterFields, filterTypes, filterValues)
Dim operatorObj...
Does any one know how to add a description value to the filter item. I am trying to allow the user to add filters to the report with blank values. Then later when they go to display the report, the user will be asked to enter in values for all the filter items with blank values. The problem I am...
Figured out my problem. I had to change the parameter value from a default value to a current value.
NewParam.DefaultValues.add NewVal
NewParam.CurrentValues.add NewVal
I am using ASP to display the crystal reports over the web. I have created a report with some paramaters. I have figured out how to set the values for the report before displaying it but the crystal reports keeps creating a web page asking for the parameters and displays the values I set for...
I am tring to change the databse information for a report. The following code is what I am trying to do but is not working.
' *********************************************************
' Preview the current report
Function PreviewReport()
Dim HTMLViewer
' Initialize the viewer - it...
Hello -
I need to be able to insert a report header at runtime when displaying reports. I am using crystal reports 9 and coding in ASP. The report header is just going to be some text and and an image.
Thanks in advance,
I am new to crystal reports and was wondering how you use a stored procedure as a data source to use with crystal reports. I am writing my code in ASP. I want to allow users to create and modify reports based off stored procedures I have previously written. Using the RAS server so I can allow...
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