Turns out it was a grouping problem - We were trying to group by another column. when we removed that grouping, the problem went away and we could filter correctly for the servers which started with 'F'. I guess Access won't recursively traverse the table looking for filtered items that will...
One more piece of info that will probably help - when I do the same LIKE filter ([server name] LIKE 'F*') on the server name column for servers that start with E ([server name] LIKE 'E*'), I get a correct report. The first record in the table (whether sorted by [server name] or not)has a [server...
Acutally, I had already tried that, but I cut and pasted your text FTHOI to try it again. Both times I ended up with an empty report. Without the filter, about half of my records have a [Server Name] field that starts with F (FCWS887, FCXAS767, FMCESQ08) but the filter seems to weed them out...
I'm trying to use a simple filter in a report. I have a table column called 'Server Name'. When I try to filter for all servers whose name starts with 'F' by using:
Left([Server Name],1) = "F"
And try to view the report, Clippy responds:
One or more operators in the filter...
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