Might sound easy but how do i take like two columns with undefined lentgh and put one column as axis X and the other one as axis Y. I can kind of do it but like it gives me two lines on the charts ??
I didnt want all the range to copy itself... so if i want juste like E4 and E5 to copy itself as it changes (cause its where the simulation is shown) what should i do ?
I Have this... it works but i know that its just using the same range so it just goes 2 column on the side and overight the...
Well The problem is That i have created
For I = StartTime to StopTime Step StepTime
Next I
The Thing I would like is to each Step take the result of the loop and copy it in a Cell Excel...
Filling up a Column to be able to do a Graphic after
I'll try SkipVought example...
Thanks for...
Hi can someone just guide me on how to copy the result each time my For..Next loop in a Excel Column. That would be to eventualy produce some Graphics.
Pretty new to that programming so don't be to harsh heheh :P
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