That's good information to know! I appreciate that.
Do you know if we have set this up appropriately? Is there a better way to handle these unique "calendar only" accounts? Can you even separate e-mail and calendaring?
We have a number of entries in our global address book that are for calendar usage only. Examples are rooms, vehicles, equipment, etc. Obviously, these accounts do not require a mail box, but they have one. Is there a way to set up these accounts without wasting an Exchange mail license...
We have a PIX firewall that is performing logging. We are storing the data into the syslog.log file on the server running CiscoWorks 2000. We are also using that same log file as input for reporting from Private-I (also on that server). As we analyzed the Private-I reports, I realized we were...
We have the situation where a mailbox was deleted and now someone wants it back (surprise, surprise!). We have a recent backup tape, so that's not an issue. We have restored the entire system before, but have never been asked to restore a single mailbox. Does anyone have any suggestions on...
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