I realize that it is Hex, but How do I know what to set these to? For Example: When using these with the SetWindowPos Function, How are the values of the const determined? This is an API Call, I am assuming they are set to a value pre-determined within the API. My Question is How do i know what...
What I would like to know is How I know what to set the publc const to (see below) How do we know that the swp_showwindow = &H40
Where do we get the &H40?
Public Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
Public Const SWP_SHOWWINDOW = &H40
Public Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H2
What API function, and how do I use it, to change the space on the desktop?
What I want is for my form to always be on top (I got that part) but other windows do go under it. I want it to be locked so when I maximize another window, it will fit in the rest of the window. Like ICQ when set to...
Sorry, Even 1 more Question, I would like this form not only to not maximize access when you click on a control, but could I make it so that other applications will not go underneth it? Basically the part of the screen is locked and the other apps will only maximize to the rest of the screen...
Hey CajunCenturion, Thanks. Its NOT working :(
This is what I did: In Declaration Section of a Module
Option Compare Database
Public Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
Public Const SWP_SHOWWINDOW = &H40
Public Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H2
Public Declare Sub SetWindowPos Lib "User32" _
(ByVal hWnd As...
There is an Event for reports call on no data
in here:
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
msgbox "There is no training history available for " &_ Employeename, vbokonly,"Report Aborted"
cancel = true
End Sub
You can create a user login form with username and password, before you load your next form, insert code to add a new record with login stamp in a log table.
Is there a way to make Access "Always on top?"
I have a small form that I want to be displayed on top of all windows all the time. Even outside of access. If there is a way I am sure that it would have to be for Access its self to be always on top. Any Ideas?
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