Hi everybody,
I´m sure this is a question you have seen before but I haven't found any resource or url to get the package for ntp.
I have an ancient Ultra 10 Server with SunOS 5.5.1 (Solaris 2.5.1), and I want to use ntp to synchronize this server with an NTP Server (Stratum I).
I've read there...
Hi dbase77,
I've solved my problem. In the /etc/services file I had hashed (#) the lines for ftp and pftdata:
#ftp-data 20/tcp
#ftp 21/tcp
So , I just removed the #'s and ran the "kill -HUP inetd_pid"
I realized of this when I executed the above command from the...
Ok, here it is. (Sorry for the delay , but I had to leave the office )
$ cat /etc/inetd.conf
#ident "@(#)inetd.conf 1.45 02/11/05 SMI" /* SVr4.0 1.5 */
# Configuration file for inetd(1M). See inetd.conf(4).
# To...
I've done that but the ftpd didn't start.... Well, indeed I made an "killall -HUP" to reload the inetd.conf file. It should be the same isn't it?
Is there something else I should check? Maybe a link file or whatever...
Hi, guys. thanks for your comments.
I've found the way to re-read the inetd.conf file. It's with "killall HUP". Unfourtunately I still have the problem.
I edit the inetd.conf file and uncommented the lines :
ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/in.ftpd in.ftpd
telnet stream tcp6...
OK Keith!
The service is not running , I applied the command you told me and the port is not opened. Only appears a line for *.54321 that hasn't nothing to do with ftp. right?
In the /etc/inetd.conf file the line for the ftp server is commented (#). I edit the file and remove the #. But if try...
I have a problem with a SunBlade 100 WS (Solaris 5.8). I can telnet it but if I try to make an ftp I receive the following message :
421 unable to connect to remote server. Try again later.
I've checked the /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf files and they look fine. The /etc/ftpusers doesn't...
I have a problem with a SunBlade 100 WS. I can telnet it but if I try to make an ftp I receive the following message :
421 unable to connect to remote server. Try again later.
I've checked the /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf files and they look fine. The /etc/ftpusers doesn't restrict the...
Hi everybody,
I hope someone could help me with a hint or comment or anything useful to solve my problem.
I have a SunBlade 100 Server with Solaris 5.8 installed and384 MB RAM. When I make an ftp from other machine to this server and I try to download a file using the "get" or...
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