Hmm, not nice.
I went through my shell history.
Just before the rmlvcopy commands I did :
synclvodm -v rootvg
reducevg -df rootvg 00c628eb9a217b3b (which did not work)
redefinevg -d hdisk3 rootvg
extendvg -f rootvg hdisk4 (did not work)
odmget CuAt|grep hd8
odmget CuDv|grep hd8
then all...
Ok, so they probably all (except hd8) still are mirrored to the phantom disk.
Can you do a synclvodm and then retry the rmlvcopy for all ?
(My apologies for not having a clear and concise set of commands on how to solve this, it is a bit of trial and error. When you have these kinds of issues...
Check for any other references to 000b70dc5408433d in the odm.
What does lsvg -l rootvg show ?
(the others may still be mirrored to the phantom disk, the default for mirrorvg is -c 2)
I just had the same thing, except it was me who made the mistake (as an ex-ibm'er).
search the odm for the missing pv (odmget CuAt|grep -p rootvg) and remove the missing disk from the odm (odmdelete -o CuAt -q value=thefullidfoundintheodmgetwithallthezeroes)
remove the lv copies on an lv basis...
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