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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. JenJohnson

    Testing if a table is empty

    I know that Paul has already taken an answer, but I thought I'd chime in anyway. What about something like this: declare @table varchar(100) select @table = "xxxx" if (select rowcnt(i.doampg) from sysobjects o, sysindexes i where i.id = o.id and o.name = @table) = 0...
  2. JenJohnson

    Advanced Conditional Formatting in Excel?

    Skip, I was looking for exactly how to do this, and your directions couldn't be clearer. Star for you! JenJohnson :-)
  3. JenJohnson

    Generating DDL

    Hi Lou: I have two stored procedures that I use extensively for just this purpose: sp_getddl <tablename> sp_getidx <tablename> These appear to do exactly what you're looking for. You should be able to wrapper calls to these stored procs in some sort of script, so you could hit...
  4. JenJohnson

    hi Guys , Just need to know if

    Sorry, been on extended vaca... Some uniqueness is required; the index has to be a unique clustered or nonclustered index. As for duplicate entries, we did extensive cleanup of our tables that had dup entries. However, there are some cases where we could still have duplicate rows, and for...
  5. JenJohnson

    Stored Procedure across database and servers?

    I don't think that Sybase supports a server..database..table mechanism, but what I've done when moving code from one server to another is written a make_bcp shell script that basically takes a query as input (so you can specify where-clause criteria), generates a pipe-delimited file, and prompts...
  6. JenJohnson

    hi Guys , Just need to know if

    We are just going through this as well, and our DBAs tell us that we don't have to necessarily have a primary key defined on each table, but there must be at least a unique index on each replicated table. Clustered or non-clustered doesn't matter; neither does ignore-duprow. Hope this helps...
  7. JenJohnson

    Parse name field into components

    Thanks, Duncan! This really did the trick for me, and it will catch any new name types that they throw at me! -- Jennifer
  8. JenJohnson

    convert exponential value to string

    It did help (sorry for the delayed response). Thanks!
  9. JenJohnson

    Replication Server and TIMESTAMP datatype

    FINALLY, after much debate with the DBAs, we've implemented a sorta different method of replicating the table in question. We replicated all columns except the timestamp column, and let that self-populate in the secondary table. The column is not part of the key, so this wasn't an issue for...
  10. JenJohnson

    Parse name field into components

    Hi Tom, Thanks for the suggestion. I had problem with "locate" function, however. Got message that function does not exist. I agree that a better solution is to split out the name, but we get this file from an outside vendor, and getting this particular vendor to do anything...
  11. JenJohnson

    Parse name field into components

    Good Day, All: I have a field called Manager_Name which contains data, some of which looks like this: C. Lennis Koontz,II Theresa Holt Victor T. Murhman Paul A. Graham, Jr. Thomas Murphy Jr. Jon B. Lovelace Jr. David B. Rees III Mary Jo Ochson M. L...
  12. JenJohnson

    Parse name field into components

    Good Day, All: I have a database field called Manager_Name which contains data, some of which looks like this: C. Lennis Koontz,II Theresa Holt Victor T. Murhman Paul A. Graham, Jr. Thomas Murphy Jr. Jon B. Lovelace Jr. David B. Rees III Mary Jo Ochson M. L. Conery Michael A. Del...
  13. JenJohnson

    convert exponential value to string

    I have a table with a float column, and one value in this column is "0.000098940869229982722". When I try to convert this value to a string, I get "9.8940869229982722e-005". I don't want to see the exponential notation, but I do want to see all the decimal places. I tried...
  14. JenJohnson

    Order by on computed value

    Prasad: Try the following: select User, Account,count(Account) as num into #tmp from Table1 group by User select a.User, a.Account from Table1 a, #tmp b where a.User = b.User and a.Account = b.Account order by convert (varchar,num)+a.User desc compute count(a.Account)...
  15. JenJohnson

    Replication Server and TIMESTAMP datatype

    Just found out from my DBAs that timestamp is an unsupported datatype when it comes to replication server. This datatype is part of the primary key of a table that needs to be replicated. We've discussed changing the datatype of the field from timestamp to datetime, but found that datetime was...

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