I'm using Oracle 9.2.0
I want to find out how many minutes a times stamp is older then sysdate.
This is the select that I use to find my timestamp.
select min(to_char(sys_creation_date,'YYYYMMDD HH24MI')) from ac_processing_accounting
where file_status='RD'
Sorry I submittede it by mistake - here is the full version
I have this SQL
SELECT Count(ALARMLIST_komplet.Alarm_ID) AS AntalOfAlarm_ID, IIf(InStr(",A3,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3,","," & [NodeBusinessPrio] & ",")>0,"MEDIUM","HIGH") AS Severity, ALARMLIST_komplet.Nodename...
I have this SQL
AntalOfAlarm_ID Severity Nodename Primary_Responsible
242 HIGH SPLINTER Billing Drift
230 HIGH CRM1 Billing Drift
217 HIGH DELFI1 Billing Drift
I would like there to be another colum that shows how many of the rows
This post has a relation to thread80-946991
I working on a T64 v5.1 system and I would like my history .sh_hostory to relate to the individual login.
Its a ksh shell and I've tryede this in the .profile - without any result.
export set 'HISTFILE' per session
I've added
set 'HISTFILE' per user session
to .profile
but it does not seem to make a difference
This new system is only using 1 system disk - that means that the .sh_history file is the same on alle serveres.
I've also tryede doing this in the session
set HISTFILE $HOME/._sh_history_user1...
I'm working on a T64 V5.1 cluster
The same user is usede on all the servers, but we are many peoble using the user, and that means that the .sh_history is useless.
Is there a way to make the ._sh_history dependent on the {memb} and perhaps even the session, giving each login its seperate...
Its an ORACLE database
>man sqlldr
No reference page found for sqlldr.
My system does not contain man pages for this one.
Does anyone know where I can find thise man pages?
I want to put the output from
wmstat -w 5
into a database as the command runs - I have this script that right now puts the data into a file.
HOST=`hostname -s`
while [ : ]
echo `date +"%d%m%y-%H:%M:%S"` " " `/usr/bin/vmstat -w 1 2|tail -1` >>...
I'm having IO issues on a servere, and I want to monitor this problem over time.
I'm using vmstat -w 5 to monitor the problem - but I would realy like to get a timestamp infront og the lines, so that I have a chance og analysing the system.
Any ideers? - I'm wundering if I should make a...
I was wondering if anyone knows if there are commands to start/stop and get state of services that can be executed from the command line.
And if you can guide me to some dokumentation on what options there is for control from the commandline that would be great.
I usaly do most unix script, but I'm now running some services on a bunch of Windows 2000 servere.
I was wundering if it is posible to restart a service remote - The issus is that I have 14 serveres where the same service is running, and right now I have to connect to the servers via RDP...
Changing ti MM to MI solvede one of the issues - the one with 09:00 (should probaly have spottede that one my self, but thanks)
But the problem with 'HH' '00'
END_CYCLE, 2004-01--02-fre 00:59, -481
Is still coursing a problem.
I've tryede adding, but without result.
I have a sql(made with help fra this thread220-903346) that select the number of minutes a timestamp is after 9:00
there are 2 problems, I seem to get the times where the job is pricisly 9:00 and also the ones where the hours is 00:
This is my SQL
select ETL_PROGRAM.program_name...
I've just got a Tungsten T3.
I cant figure out how to send files (exel, photos, docs) via the cadle, its seems to work via IR.
I currently using Hotsync and Lotus EasySync Pro.
I just got a Tungsten T3, and I can't figure out how to set up a sync on files.
ex. I have an exel file that I want to sync when it is in the cadle.
The big one would be if I could get it to sync with files over a network when the network is avalible.
I using Hotsync and Lotus EasySync...
The way I doing it now is to select the time stamps that I want.
select ETL_PROGRAM.program_name, to_char(ETL_PROGRAM_log.program_end, 'yyyy-mm--dd-dy hh24:mi')
where ETL_PROGRAM_log.program_id = ETL_PROGRAM.program_id
I have a job that runs every day, and logs in a table when it is done. And at the end of the month, I need to figure out is the job is living up to the requriments
Whitch are:
the job has to be finished by 8 in the morning, but since this is not always posible, I need to messure how many...
I have 2 Linksys WRT54G routers, and i want to use one of them as a range expander to increase the range of my network.
Only one of the routers will be connected to the internet and the other one will be set up to incresse the range of the network - I don't want to connect both of them...
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