I have a server running windows 2003 standard. Due to a limited licensing, I am just using Apache HTTP server instead of using IIS. The problem is I am running out of space because of many image files and media files, so I want to make one directory (located in other hard drive) web-accessible...
I have a modal box that is triggered via "onmouseover" on a certain image. The problem is that when the modal box is opened, it disappears because the background becomes opaque and the mouseout is called. So it keeps opening a modal box and closing it. it seems the modal box blinks. How can I...
oh. sorry.. here it is.
var dsource = new DataSource("DISPLAY",getXML("display.xsl");
getXML function is just grabbing a XML through HTTP.
function DataSource(name, xmlObj)
this.screenshots = {};
this.dataSrc = null;
this.docXML = null;
this.load = function(dName, dObj)
I am trying to replace the current node with an updated node. But when I try to replace a node, I get "Cannot mix different threading models in document" in "insertBefore" function call. I tried "replaceChild" and "appendChild". But I got the same javascript error.
I have no idea why it is...
I have a javascript function generating HTML by parsing XSL and XML. It was working fine. All of sudden, it stopped working.
I get "The XSL stylesheet document must be free threaded in order to be used with the XSL Template object"
Here is my code. Please help. Thanks.
var xslTemplate = new...
Is there any module about Perl messaging queue? I am using perl 5.8.8. I can't find any resources related to the perl mq. does anyone know about this? I'd appreciated it.
I am working on a project that has multiple frames (managed by other groups) and pop-up windows. But there is a problem. I am trying to get the url of the web application coming from a different host (managed by other group). I saw a resource saying that it is not doable. So I am just wondering...
I have four ports for network connections in my server. but for some reason, these connection go down at least once a day. so whenever it goes down, I have to click "repair" on the network connection icon. I am just wondering if clicking "repairing" too much causes any problem, or where I should...
does anybody know a good tutorial about shell scripting?
I just started learning a shell script.
I just want to know how to check if a given directory exists and how to write to a plain text file.
I am not sure which task I have to use to modify java properties file.
Here is my case.
I have a propeties file, demo.properties. I want to change the value dynamically at runtime.
for example.
then I want to change it to 8810 other port and save it to the same properties file...
I thought about using session. but the filter is just a simple interceptor for a web application. I don't want to change the coding of the web app because of this filter.
any better idea?
I am trying to intercept all request info (GET and POST method) coming from a user.
So I have a filter that captures some basic info (request method and uri) from request. But whenever I read parameters contained in http request for "POST" method, I can't figure out how to repost parameters to...
I have a server that has 4G memory and 2 processors. but i want to install win 2003 web edition. i know that it has some limitation, like it should be installed on a server that has less than 2G memory. is there a way to install it on a server that has 4G memory?
I would like to use Apache 2 as a proxy server on Windows 2003.
I am thinking of running two apache web servers listening to port 81 and 82. So the proxy server listening to port 80 can forward it to one of them. is there any documentation about this kind of setting?
The reason is that i have...
But if I change DocumentRoot to E:/www/test outside the VirtualHost, don't all requests go to that directory?
But there will be multiple domain names running on the Apache.
Let's say that I have 3 domain names that need to be bound to a different ip address.
www.test1.com - 64.xx.xx.112...
I am trying to make the first URL www.test.com instead of www.test.com/test.
I think that I am following the rule specified in the link provided. thank you for that.
any idea?
I am trying to set up the multiple domain names in Apache 2.
let's I have a domain name www.test.com that needs to be bound to xx.xx.xx.xxx ip address.
But even though I specify like the following, it doesn't work. I have to type http://www.test.com/test
<VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xxx:80>...
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